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Material Refresh adds pull (swipe) to refresh for Google’s Material Design. It uses CSS3 and JavaScript with either Zepto or jQuery.

CSS Plugins


Material Refresh

High Performance

Mobile only

Google Material Design swipe (pull) to refresh.

It uses CSS3 and JavaScript depend on Zepto or jQuery.

Actually, it's easy to convert the dependent js library or just use the vanilla JavaScript.

It's high performancenot which not impact the structure of sites.

Types and preview

Type1: Above surface (default)

Type2: Below surface

Type3: Button action


The Live Demo

Getting Started

Install it

Include material-refresh.min.js and material-refresh.min.css in your target html file.

<link rel='stylesheet' href='material-refresh.min.css'/>  <script src='material-refresh.min.js'></script>

Cause it is a plugin for Zepto or jQuery, so we also need to include Zepto or jQuery:

<script src='zepto.js'></script>  <!-- or include jQuery.js--> <script src='jQuery.js'></script>

Usually, we will combine and compress all the css or js, depend on your needs.

You can also install it via Bower or npm:

bower install --save material-refresh 
npm install --save material-refresh 

Basic usage

Example for Type1: Above surface (default):



2.Finish the refresh and hide it:


If you don't use this method, refesher will stop after the maxTime(Default: 6000ms).

Relations of three types

  • Type1 and Type2 can not use in the same time.
  • Type3 is depend on Type1 or Type2, cause it will determine the refresher position
  • Type3 and (Type1 or Type2) can use in the same time.

Advanced usage


    // Default options       var opts = {           nav: '', //String, using for Type2           scrollEl: '', //String            onBegin: null, //Function           onEnd: null, //Function           top: '0px', //String           theme: 'mui-blue-theme', //String           index: 10001, //Number          maxTime: 6000, //Number           freeze: false //Boolen       }      mRefresh(opts);

-- Using for turn into Type2, refresh body will below the nav surface

// Example var opts = {   nav: '#navMain' }

-- Custom scroll wrapper element, decide which elemnt will allow trigger refresh action.

-- Default:{ ios:document.body, android: document }

var opts = {   scrollEl: '#mainWrapper' }
onBegin: (Callback Function)

-- Trigger when the refresh body start to rotate because of the right gesture(swipe).

-- You can use this callback to pull ajax data or other action.

var opts = {   onBegin: function(){     alert('Begin to rotate');     $.get('/whatevs.html', function(response){         $('#someDom').append(response);     });   } }
onEnd: (Callback Function)

-- Trigger when finished the refresh

-- Using like onBegin


-- Set top of the refresher.

-- You can change its position finally by setting this option.

-- Default{ Type1 :'0px', Type2: depend on the height and top of the nav element }

var opts = {   top: '50px' }
theme: (Default: 'mui-blue-theme')

-- Set color or custom style of the refresher.

-- You can write your own style in css file by using the className like 'mui-somecolor-theme'

var opts = {   theme: 'mui-red-theme' }

-- Set z-index of the refresher to change it in z-space.

-- Default { Type1: 10001, Type2: (the z-index of nav element) - 1}

var opts = {   index: 99 }
maxTime: (Default: 6000ms)

-- Refresher will stop after the maxTime if you don't use mRefresh.resolve() to stop it.

-- You can change this maxTime to make it longer or shorter.

var opts = {   maxTime: 2000 }
freeze: (Default: false)

-- The touch event of the refresher will not trigger if freeze is true.

-- You can use this option to prevent Type1 or Type2 and just allow Type3: button action

var opts = {   freeze: true }

Type1: Above surface

You can custom your own refresher like:

var opts = {     maxTime: 3000,     onBegin: function(){       $.get('/whatevs.html', function(response){         $('#someDom').append(response);       });     },     onEnd: function(){       alert('Finish the refresh');     } }  mRefresh(opts);

Type2: Below surface

Use Type2 by setting the option nav to the top of the elements:

// example var opts = {     nav: '#navMain',     onBegin: function(){       $.get('/whatevs.html', function(response){         $('#someDom').append(response);       });     } }  mRefresh(opts);

Then the refresher will below the surface of the navMain element.

Type3: Button action

If you had inited the refresher,you can bind the DOM event by using:

$('#buttonAction').on('tap', function(){   mRefresh.refresh(); });

When you click the buttonAction element, the refresher will show.

If you want to get some callback when start or stop to refresh,by using onBegin or onEnd:

$('#buttonAction').on('tap', function(){   var refreshOpts = {     onBegin: function(){       // Do something       $.get('/whatevs.html', function(response){         $('#someDom').append(response);       });     },     onEnd: function(){       alert('Finish!')     }   }   mRefresh.refresh(refreshOpts); });

If you want not to trigger Type1 or Type2, and just need Type3.

var opts = {   freeze: true } mRefresh(opts);  $('#buttonAction').on('tap', function(){   mRefresh.refresh(); });


mRefresh(); mRefresh.unbindEvents();  $('#buttonAction').on('tap', function(){   mRefresh.refresh(); });

Browser support

Android 3 +

iOS 5 +


Google Material Design


MIT © Gctang

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