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A simple animated transition for React Native, inspired by Google Material Design.



react-native-md-motion-buttons (iOS / Android)

npm version

I wanted to re-create this animation with react-native (https://dribbble.com/shots/1945593-Login-Home-Screen)



npm install react-native-md-motion-buttons --save


import React, { Component } from 'react'; import {   AppRegistry,   StyleSheet,   Text,   View,   Button } from 'react-native'; import { Login } from 'react-native-md-motion-buttons';  class Home extends Component {   render() {     return (<View style={[StyleSheet.absoluteFill, styles.container]}>       <Text style={styles.welcome}>         New screen       </Text>       <Button title="Reset" onPress={this.props.logout} />      </View>)   } }  export default class examples extends Component {   render() {     const promise = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 2000) );      return (         <Login.View style={styles.container} homeScreen={<Home />}>            <Text style={styles.welcome}>             Welcome to React Native!           </Text>           <Text style={styles.instructions}>             To get started, edit index.ios.js           </Text>           <Text style={styles.instructions}>             Press Cmd+R to reload,{'\n'}             Cmd+D or shake for dev menu           </Text>            <Login.Button               onPress={promise}               style={styles.button}               color="rgb(255,155,57)" />          </Login.View>     )   } }

View Props

Prop Type Description
children ReactElement<any> React Element(s) to render. Button must be a direct child.
homeScreen ReactElement<any> New screen to render after the animation. <View> expose a logout function as a prop to this Component
style StyleSheet<any> Apply style to the View

Button Props

Prop Type Description
title ?String Button title. Default : 'Login'
color ?String Text color. Default: 'white'
style StyleSheet<any> Apply style to the Button. backgroundColor is required
onPress () => Promise> Handle button click. Must returned a promise


Next release

  • Add ripple effect for button
  • Add a Floating Action Button (FAB) which will move to the center (like inVision dribble)

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