A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS.
- Download/Install
- How To Use
- What's Included?
- Browser Support
- Using Grunt for Development
- Using Sass/LESS for Development
- Contribute to Hover.css
- Licenses
- Hire Ian Lunn
- NPM:
npm install hover.css --save
- Bower:
bower install hover --save
- Download Zip
How To Use
Hover.css can be used in a number of ways; either copy and paste the effect you'd like to use in your own stylesheet or reference the stylesheet. Then just add the class name of the effect to the element you'd like it applied to.
A. Copy and Paste an Effect
If you plan on only using one or several effects, it's better practice to copy and paste an effect into your own stylesheet, so a user doesn't have to download css/hover.css
in its entirety.
Assuming you want to use the Grow effect:
Download Hover.css
, find the Grow CSS (each effect is named using a comment above it):/* Grow */ .hvr-grow { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; transform: translateZ(0); box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); backface-visibility: hidden; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; transition-duration: 0.3s; transition-property: transform; } .hvr-grow:hover, .hvr-grow:focus, .hvr-grow:active { transform: scale(1.1); }
Copy this effect and then paste it into your own stylesheet.
In the HTML file which you'd like the effect to appear, add the class of
to your chosen element.
Example element before applying Hover.css effect:
<a href="#">Add to Basket</a>
Example element after applying Hover.css effect:
<a href="#" class="hvr-grow">Add to Basket</a>
Note: As of 2.0.0
all Hover.css class names are prefixed with hvr-
to prevent conflicts with other libraries/stylesheets. If using Sass/LESS, this can easily be changed using the $nameSpace
variable in scss/_options.scss
or less/_options.less
B. Reference Hover.css
If you plan on using many Hover.css effects, you may like to reference the entire Hover.css stylesheet.
- Download
- Add
to your websites files, in a directory namedcss
for example - Reference
of the HTML page you'd like to add Hover.css effects to:
<head> <link href="css/hover-min.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head>
Alternatively you can add a reference into an existing stylesheet like so (this may be useful to WordPress users who are unable to edit HTML):
@import url("hover-min.css");
- Assuming you want to use the Grow effect, in the HTML file you'd like to use this effect, add the class of
to your chosen element.
Example element before applying Hover.css effect:
<a href="#" class="button">Add to Basket</a>
Example element after applying Hover.css effect:
<a href="#" class="button hvr-grow">Add to Basket</a>
A Note on the display
To make an element "transformable", Hover.css gives the following to all elements it is applied to:
display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle;
Should you wish to override this behavior, either remove the above CSS from Hover.css or change the display
property for the element. Be sure to declare the override after the Hover.css declarations so the CSS cascade will take effect. Alternatively, if you are using the Sass/LESS version of Hover.css, you can remove/comment out the forceBlockLevel()
mixin found in scss/_hacks.scss
or less/_hacks.less
For more information about Transformable elements, see the CSS Transforms Module.
Using Icon Effects
To add a Hover.css icon, place the icon HTML inside the element that a Hover.css effect is applied to. For example:
<a href="#" class="hvr-icon-forward"> Icon Forward <i class="fa fa-chevron-circle-right hvr-icon"></i> </a>
In the above code, we have given a link element a class of hvr-icon-forward
which will make an icon move forward when the link is hovered over. The icon itself is given a class of hvr-icon
to let Hover.css know that this is the icon we want to animate. In this example, our icon is from FontAwesome, which we've loaded into the <head></head>
of our web page as per FontAwesome's instructions, like so:
<link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.2.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all">
Note: As of Hover.css v2.3.0 you can use any method you like for adding icons (previously, only FontAwesome was supported out-of-the-box.) For example, you could use another icon library or instead, use an image like so:
<a href="#" class="hvr-icon-spin"> Icon Spin <img src="myicon.svg" class="hvr-icon" /> </a>
Here, the image will act as the icon because it has the hvr-icon
class applied to it, and when hovered over, the icon will spin as defined by the hvr-icon-spin
class on the parent element.
Position of the icon is entirely in your control. You could place it before the text, like so:
<a href="#" class="hvr-icon-spin"> <img src="myicon.svg" class="hvr-icon" /> Icon Spin </a>
Or use custom CSS to position the icon as you see fit.
What's Included?
The project consists of the following folders and files:
- demo-page.css - Contains styles to demonstrate Hover. Not required in your projects
- hover-min.css - The minified/production version of Hover.css
- hover.css - The development version of Hover.css
- effects - Contains each individual effect sorted into categorized folders
- _hacks.scss/_hacks.less, _mixins.scss/_mixins.less, _options.scss/_options.less - Sass/LESS Utilities
- hover.scss/hover.less - Development version of Hover.css in Sass and LESS flavours
Other files of note include:
- index.html - Demonstrates all Hover.css effects
- Gruntfile.js - Used for development of Hover.css via Grunt.
Browser Support
Many Hover.css effects rely on CSS3 features such as transitions, animations, transforms and pseudo-elements, for that reason, effects may not fully work in older browsers.
- Transitions and Animations - not supported below Internet Explorer 10
- Transforms - not supported below Internet Explorer 9
- Generated Content (pseudo-elements) - not supported below Internet Explorer 8
Aside from the above mentioned browsers, Hover.css is supported across all major browsers. Please see caniuse.com for full support for many web technologies and test your webpages accordingly. It is recommended to apply fallback effects for older browsers, using CSS supported by those browsers or a feature testing library such as Modernizr.
Using Grunt for Development
Grunt is non-essential but can speed up development. With Grunt installed, run grunt
from the command line to set up a development server accessed at or your local IP for network testing. With Grunt running, Sass or LESS will be preprocessed (depending on whether you work out of the scss
or less
folder) and CSS files will be minified.
Note: Originally Grunt was set up to autoprefix CSS properties but to make the project as accessible as possible, this is no longer the case. The prefixed(property, value)
Sass/LESS mixin should be used for browser prefixing instead. See Using Sass/LESS for Development and [Using LESS for Development].
Using Sass/LESS for Development
Sass/LESS are non-essential but can speed up development. Preprocess Sass/LESS with your favourite software or the environment provided via Grunt.
Sass/LESS is used in the Hover.css project to separate various CSS into specific files. Each effect is within its own file in the effects
directory. Hover.css also uses the following .scss
and .less
Contains hacks (undesirable but usually necessary lines of code) applied to certain effects. Hacks explained here.
Contains prefixed
and keyframes
mixins that apply the necessary prefixes you specify in _options.scss
/ _options.less
to properties and keyframes.
Properties can be prefixed like so:
- Sass:
@include prefixed(transition-duration, .3s);
.prefixed(transition-duration, .3s);
The prefixed
mixin is passed the property you want to prefix, followed by its value.
Keyframes can be prefixed like so:
- Sass:
@include keyframes(my-animation) { to { color: red; } }
The keyframes
mixin is passed the keyframe name, followed by the content using the @content directive.
.keyframes(my-animation, { to { color: red; } });
The keyframes
mixin is passed the keyframe name, followed by the content, both as arguments.
Contains default options, various effect options and the browser prefixes you'd like to use with the prefixed
mixin. By default, only the -webkit-
prefix is set to true
(due to most browsers not requiring prefixes now).
As of 2.0.0
, _options
also includes a $nameSpace
/ @nameSpace
option which allows you to change the name all classes are prefixed with. The default namespace is hvr
The $includeClasses
/ @includeClasses
option by default is set to true
and will generate all Hover.css effects under their own class names, hvr-grow
for example. Should you wish to add the properties that make up Hover.css effects to your own class names, set this option to false
Contribute to Hover.css
If you'd like to contribute your own effects, please see the Contributing Guide.
Hover.css is made available under a free personal/open source or paid commercial licenses depending on your requirements. To compare licenses please visit the Ian Lunn Design Limited Store and purchase a commercial license here.
Personal/Open Source
For personal/open source use, Hover.css is made available under a MIT license
- Use in unlimited personal applications
- Your application can't be sold
- Your modifications remain open-source
- Free updates
For commercial use, Hover.css is made available under Commercial, Extended Commercial, and OEM Commercial licenses.
Commercial License
- Use in 1 application
- Sell your application once only (e.g. a website sold to a client)
- Your code is kept proprietary, to yourself
- Free updates to the major version
Extended Commercial License
- Use in unlimited applications
- Sell your applications an unlimited number of times (e.g. a website template sold on a theme store)*
- Your code is kept proprietary, to yourself
- Free updates to the major version
*With the exception of applications that allow end users to produce separate applications. See the OEM Commercial License.
OEM Commercial License
Should your application enable end users to produce separate applications that incorporate Ian Lunn Design Limited's software, for example, a development toolkit, library, or application builder, you must obtain an OEM Commercial License. Please contact us for more information about the OEM Commercial License.
MIT License (Pre v2.2.0 / 24th March 2017)
Hover.css was previously made available under a MIT License for both commercial and non-commercial use. Anyone that obtained a MIT license for commercial use before v2.2.0 (24th March 2017) may continue to use Hover.css versions prior to v2.2.0 under that same license.
If you'd like to upgrade to v2.2.0 or above, or would like to simply show your support for Hover.css (we'd much appreciate it!), please purchase an up-to-date commercial license. Purchase a Commercial License.
Hire Ian Lunn
Ian Lunn is a Freelance Front-end Developer and author of CSS3 Foundations.
Hire Ian for responsive websites, WordPress websites, JavaScript, animation, and optimization.