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beanPopper is a jQuery plugin to help you create fancy any content modal popups with elastic and/or ease animations.

Modal popup



Jquery popUp Plugin



initialize element with selector:




Current Available Options:

$('.modalPopUp').showPopUp({   bgColor:"#ffffff", // str:default #ffffff, accepts colorname, hex, rgb, rgba, hsl & hsla in css format   closeBtnColor: ["red", '#ffffff'], // array:default ["red", '#ffffff'] => [fore,background]color   height: 300, // int:default 500 value in pixels   width: 500, // int:default 500 value in pixels   content: "<h1>Selecciona una Opción</h1><p>lorem ipsum de que uu...</p>", // str:default "", any html   animationType: "elastic", // str:default "elastic", accepts "ease" & "elastic"   onAfterOpen : function(){ // func:default undefined, to initialize anything related to the injected html content; like event listeners or plugins.     console.log('After Open Callback')   },   onAfterClose : function(){ // func:default undefined     console.log('After Close Callback')   } });

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