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An easy, fast jQuery plugin which helps you create a modal window with nice animations powered by CSS3 transitions and transforms.



jQuery Quick Modal

Easily add customizable, CSS-driven modal windows to your website

See it in action here: kevinberonilla.com/demos/jquery-quick-modal


jQuery 1.7.0 or higher


Download the plugin via Bower or manually copy the CSS and JS files to your site, then include them in the <head> tag.

bower install jquery-quick-modal 
<head>     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/quick-modal.css">     <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script>     <script src="js/jquery.quick-modal.min.js"></script> </head>

Create the Markup

<a href="#" class="open-modal" data-modal-id="my-modal">Click here to open a modal window</a> <div id="my-modal" class="qm-modal">     <h1>Hello, world!</h1>     <a href="#" class="qm-close-modal">Close window</a> </div>

The class for the element which will trigger a modal window on click; can be changed to a selector of your choice when initialized; default class is not styled by CSS

Specifies the ID of the modal that the link will be bound to; required (throws an error if not present)

The class for the modal window; has CSS styles that can be edited/overridden

The class for the element which will close an opened modal window on click; has CSS styles that can be edited/overridden; can be changed to a selector of your choice when initialized (loses CSS styles when done so)

Call the Script

$(document).ready(function() {     $('.open-modal').quickModal(); });

The jQuery selector object assigned to trigger modal windows on click

Play with Settings

$(document).ready(function() {     $('.open-modal').quickModal({ // Default values below         animation: 'fade-zoom',         speed: 250,         timing: 'ease',         closeModalSelector: '.qm-close-modal'         enableEsc: true,         enableClickAway: true,         enableBodyScroll: false,         appendBackgroundTo: 'body',         prefix: 'qm',         onOpen: function() {},         onClose: function() {}     }); });

The type of animation used for opening and closing modal windows

  • 'fade'
  • 'fade-up'
  • 'fade-right'
  • 'fade-down'
  • 'fade-left'
  • 'fade-zoom'
  • 'fade-zoom-up'
  • 'fade-zoom-right'
  • 'fade-zoom-down'
  • 'fade-zoom-left'

The length of time (in milliseconds) for the animation

The timing function used to animate the modal window

  • 'linear'
  • 'ease'
  • 'ease-in'
  • 'ease-out'
  • 'ease-in-out'
  • 'cubic-bezier(n, n, n, n)'

The jQuery selector assigned to closing modal windows on click

Boolean for determining whether or not pressing the Esc key will close modals

Boolean for determining whether or not clicking the modal background will close modals

Boolean for determining whether or not the body behind an open modal window is scrollable

The jQuery selector to which the modal background will be appended

String representing the prefix used for all classes and ids (only needed for builds with custom prefixed CSS; does not directly affect closeModalSelector)

The callback that fires when the modal is opened

The callback that fires when the modal is closed

Trigger Modal Windows Manually

$(document).ready(function() {     $('#my-modal').quickModal('open');          $('#my-modal').quickModal('open', {         animation: 'fade-zoom-down',         speed: 500,         timing: 'ease-in-out',         closeModalSelector: '.close-button'     });          $('#my-modal').quickModal('close');          $('#my-modal').quickModal('close', {         animation: 'fade-left',         speed: 750,         timing: 'linear'     });          $('#modal-link').quickModal('trigger');          $('#modal-link').quickModal('trigger', {         animation: 'fade',         timing: 'ease-out'     }); });

The jQuery selector object for the modal window to be triggered

The jQuery selector object for the element that will trigger its modal window

Open the selected modal window with default settings

.quickModal('open', {...})
Open the selected modal window with the specified settings

Close the selected modal window with previously applied settings

.quickModal('close', {...})
Close the selected modal window with the specified settings

Open the target of the selected element with default settings

.quickModal('trigger', {...})
Open the target of the selected element with the specified settings


$(document).ready(function() {     $('#my-modal').on('modalopen.qm', myAwesomeFunction);          $('#my-modal').on('modalclose', function() {         alert('The modal window has been closed!');         myAwesomeFunction();     }); });

The event fired immediately before a modal window is opened

The event fired immediately after a modal window is closed

Call the Script with AJAX Compatibility

$(document).ready(function() {     $('body').on('click', '.open-modal', function() {         $(this).quickModal('trigger');     }); });

This alternative way of initializing the plugin will ensure that elements that match the selector will always open its associated modal window, regardless of whether or not they were present on page load.

Using Custom Prefixes

Included in the package are Sass source files (with a variable for managing custom prefixed classes and ids) and Gulp build scripts. Be sure to use the prefix option in the plugin to support your custom prefix.

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