Kinetic drag for mobile & desktop.
Demos and more at
NPM (recommended)
npm install jquery.pep.js --save
bower install jquery.pep
Getting Started
Getting started is simple: include jQuery, include pep, then:
$('.pep').pep(); // yup, that simple.
Pep has many options. Here they are in their entirety, with their defaults. Need a little help? Just ask.
Name | Default | Description |
initiate | function(){} | [≘ touchstart/mousedown] called when first touch / click event is triggered on the object |
start | function(){} | called when dragging starts; when dx or dy are greater than startThreshold[0] or startThreshold[1] |
drag | function(){} | [≘ touchmove/mousemove] called continuously while the object is dragging |
stop | function(){} | [≘ touchend/mouseup] called when dragging stops |
easing | function(){} | called while object is easing |
rest | function(){} | called after dragging stops, and object has come to rest |
moveTo | false | custom method to override the default moveTo functionality. |
callIfNotStarted | ['stop', 'rest'] | if object has not moved outside of the startThreshold , call either the user-provided stop or rest fxn's anyway, or call both |
startThreshold | [0,0] | how far past should the object move in the [x,y] direction before user 'start' function is called |
grid | [0,0] | define an [x,y] grid for the object to move along |
revert | false | revert back to initial position |
revertAfter | stop | revert after given event - 'stop' or 'ease' |
revertIf | function(){ return true; } | return false / true from this function to conditionally revert an object |
droppable | false | CSS selector that this element can be dropped on, false to disable |
droppableActiveClass | 'pep-dpa' | class to add to active droppable parents, default to pep-dpa (droppable parent active); inspect this.activeDropRegions within each function for valuable info |
overlapFunction | false | override pep's default overlap function; takes two args: a & b and returns true if they overlap |
cssEaseString | cubic-bezier(0.190, 1.000, 0.220, 1.000) | get more css ease params from [ ] |
cssEaseDuration | 750 | how long should it take (in ms) for the object to get from stop to rest? |
constrainTo | false | constrain object to 'window' or 'parent' or [top, right, bottom, left] ; works best w/ useCSSTranslation set to false |
axis | null | constrain object to either 'x' or 'y' axis. Set to 'auto' to constrain to either the x or the y axis automatically, depending on the direction in which the user is dragging |
debug | false | show debug values and events in the lower-righthand corner of page |
activeClass | 'pep-active' | class to add to the pep element while dragging |
startClass | 'pep-start' | class to add to the pep element when dragging starts. (If a startThreshold option is defined then this class is added only after dragging past the threshold.) |
easeClass | 'pep-ease' | class to add to the pep element while easing |
multiplier | 1 | +/- this number to modify to 1:1 ratio of finger/mouse movement to el movement |
velocityMultiplier | 1.9 | +/- this number to modify the springiness of the object as your release it |
shouldPreventDefault | true | in some cases, we don't want to prevent the default mousedown/touchstart on our Pep object, your call |
allowDragEventPropagation | true | set to false to stop drag events from bubbling up through the DOM tree |
stopEvents | '' | space delimited set of events which programmatically cause the object to stop |
hardwareAccelerate | true | apply the CSS3 silver bullet method to accelerate the pep object: |
useCSSTranslation | true | use CSS transform translations as opposed to top/left |
disableSelect | true | apply user-select: none (CSS) to the object |
removeMargins | true | remove margins for better object placement |
shouldEase | true | disable/enable easing |
place | true | bypass pep's object placement logic |
deferPlacement | false | defer object placement until start event occurs |
forceNonCSS3Movement | false | DO NOT USE: this is subject to come/go. Use at your own risk |
elementsWithInteraction | 'input' | valid CSS/jQuery selector for elements within the Pep object that should allow user interaction, and thus propagate to allow movement |
ignoreRightClick | true | start event will be ignored if triggered by a right click |
startPos | { left: null, top: null } | set the default left/top coordinate to position the object with on load |
useBoundingClientRect | false | use getBoundingClientRect() to retrieve element dimensions instead of jQuery's .outerWidth() & .outerHeight() (useful when your element is scaled via CSS transforms) |
// Toggle functionality of all Pep objects on the page $.pep.toggleAll() // Explicitly disable all Pep objects on the page $.pep.toggleAll(false) // Explicitly enable all Pep objects on the page $.pep.toggleAll(true) // Unbind Pep completely from the object var $pep = $('.pep'); $pep.pep(); // bind $.pep.unbind( $pep ); // unbind $pep.pep(); // bind
Class applications
The following classes are applied corresponding to events that are happening on the pep object:
-- applied when initiate event is triggered; removed when ease has finishedpep-start
-- applied when start event is triggered; removed when stop event occurspep-ease
-- applied when stop event is triggered; removed when ease has finished
A note on droppable
There is a convenience object within the context of each function pep makes available (drag, rest, ease, etc.) called activeDropRegions
, which is an array of jQuery objects that the pep object is currently "over".
$('.pep').pep({ droppable: '.drop-target', drag: function(ev, obj){ console.log('There are ' + this.activeDropRegions.length + 'active drop regions.') }, revert: true, revertIf: function(ev, obj){ return !this.activeDropRegions.length; } })
Brian Gonzalez |
Pep includes at least partial support for most browsers, dating back to IE6.
Pep is licensed under the MIT License