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Path Draggable Button is a jQuery plugin which allows an element to be dragged along an SVG path you specify. Supports both horizontal and vertical drag.




This jQuery plugin from LGND allows the user to drag a "button" (we typically use an image) along an SVG path, triggering an interaction when it reaches the end of the path.


Option Type Default Description
pathSelector string "path" CSS selector for the SVG path to follow
direction string "horizontal" Predominant direction of the path, either "horizontal" or "vertical"
negative boolean false Whether the path is "reversed", e.g. bottom to top or right to left
threshold float 0.99 Percentage (0.0-1.0) of the path the button needs to be dragged before triggering the handler


Event Arguments Description
change event, button, value When the button is dragged and changes position
finish event, button When the button is dragged beyond the threshold percentage


Methods are called through the pathDraggableButton method, e.g.:

// Get percentage (0-1.0) dragged var distance = $(".toggle-switch").pathDraggableButton('getValue');  // Set to 50% completed $(".toggle-switch").pathDraggableButton('setValue', 0.5);
Method Argument Description
getValue Returns the percentage (0-1.0) dragged
setValue value : float Sets the completion percentage (0-1.0) and moves the button along the path


Create a draggable button that fades out after completion:

$(element).pathDraggableButton({   direction: 'horizontal' }).on('finish', function(){   $(this).fadeOut(); });

For more examples, see https://lgndhq.github.io/path-draggable-button


jQuery 1.8

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