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draggableScroll is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that allows the user to move scrollable content with mouse drag. Supports vertical, horizontal, and diagonal scroll.

Drag scroller


#DraggableScroll (jQuery) Easy styled jQuery plugin for use DragNDrop for scrolling container with some content. For more information look at live demo.


npm i jquery-draggable-scroll


By data-attributes (Html default options)

<div data-draggable-scroll>     <div data-draggable-scroll-control="left:30vw"></div>     <div data-draggable-scroll-control="right:30vw"></div>     <div data-draggable-scroll-control="top:30vh"></div>     <div data-draggable-scroll-control="bottom:30vh"></div>     <div data-draggable-scroll-content>         <table class="very-big-table></table>     </div> </div> 


    <div #id='scrolled-content'>         <div data-draggable-scroll-control="left:30vw"></div>         <div data-draggable-scroll-control="right:30vw"></div>         <div data-draggable-scroll-control="top:30vh"></div>         <div data-draggable-scroll-control="bottom:30vh"></div>         <div data-draggable-scroll-content>             <table class="very-big-table></table>         </div>     </div> 


Options (defaultConfig)

options = {     scrollX: true, // is need to scroll by X direction     scrollY: true, // is need to scroll by Y direction     dropOnMouseLeave: false, // drop scrolled content by mouseleae     animateScrollByControls: true, // Work only when some controls is exist (if you want to disable default animate scrolling by click on controls)     animateScrollTime: 200, // Work only when controls is exist. Time to animate scroll by controls     hideScrollbars: true, // Hide default scrollbars     inertiaByDragging: true, // Inertial move on drop scrolled content     detectDirectionDrag: true, // Add class to scrolled content with directions names     removeDirectionDragOnMouseUp: true // Leave classnames with last direction on drop scrolled content }; 

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