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H Slider is a jQuery plugin that lets you create a fully configurable image carousel / gallery with an auto scrolling thumbnail navigation.

Carousel Image-Slider


H Slider

H Slider - A jQuery based plugin built to provide a carousel / slider controls to the detailed level. The slider has elementary methods and actions to allow you a fully customized access on all features of a carausel. The plugin now works at the basic level and I will improvise as time permits and incorporate your feedbacks/suggestions.

This slider is designed to provide - right from a auto scrolling carousel to a independent pagination controls, is part of this plugin and the end goal is to make even lightweight while still retain its power to render accurate and customizable controls. You can include by simply adding this line in your project with the right path:
<script src='js/hslider.min.js'></script>

###Below are some params I have now implemented and you can use it based on your custom needs.

####basic slideSpeed: 3000, //sliding pauses for slideSpeed value, in milliseconds transitionSpeed: 500, //sliding transition speed at which the transition happens, in milliseconds autoSlide: true, //set as true if sliding is to begin on load slidesOnView: 2, //set a value to show the number of slides in current view shiftSlides: 2, //shift the number of slides per carousel shift scrollDirection: 'right', // direction of the scroll to happen height: 350, //set the height as required width: 600, //set the width as required currentSlide: 0, // current slide index transitionStyle: 'slide', //currently animations added - ["fade", "slide"]

####data imagesArrayProvided: false, //set true if you pass the images src through an array for hslider to build, if false, picks the ul-li structure from the parentTagClass info provided imagesArray: [], //array of images to be rendered in the container showThumbnails: false, //set true if thumbnails are required captionNeeded: false, //set as true if a section dedicated to captions is required captionContentList: [], //array of strings of HTML or normal text to be added as caption

####controls controls: true, //set as true if visual controls for next and previous slides are required pauseSlideOnHover: true, //pause slide when mouse hover occurs on the slide pauseButtonNeeded: true, //set as true if you need a button to pause the slider until required pausePlayButtonElement: 'a', //the tag used as the pause button element, pauseButtonText: 'Pause', //set the text value as required when pausing is required playButtonText: 'Play', //set the text value as required when playing is required

####containers parentTag: 'div', //the parent tag under the each LI tag parentTagClass: 'parent-container', //class for the parent tag captionContainerClass: 'captions-container', //class of the captions container added in the list prevButtonClass: 'prevButton', //customize the class you want for the previous button to handle its css nextButtonClass: 'nextButton', //customize the class you want for the next button to handle its css

####methods onSlideLoad: function () {}, //method called on load of the slides beforeSlideShift: function () {}, //method called before each slide shift afterSlideShift: function () {}, //method called after each slice shift previousSlideShift: function () {}, //method called for previous button click nextSlideShift: function () {}, //method called for next button click, resizeSlideShift: function () {}, //method to handle resize of the window thumbnailClick: function () {} //method to handle thumbnail clicks

You can message me anything that you feel is necessary in this plugin and I will work on it and upload as part of updates.

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