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A jQuery plugin used for creating an easy, responsive and customizable slider component that supports any type of content and allows for various custom configurations on each slide.

Carousel Content-slider


jQuery Slidester

Build Status

A jQuery plugin to create fancy sliders



For the start you may need some node packages

npm install 

For testing the slider in the browser you can use the python SimpleHTTPServer, just run the following command in the root of the project

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 

This will allow you to access the demo page at http://localhost:8000/demo/

To create the build and run the basic tests you may use the watch command in grunt. This one is configured to use the default settings, which will create the build, test code lint and run the tests using PhantomJS.

    grunt watch 

There is also a test that covers Firefox and Chrome

    grunt integrate 

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