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simpleTree is a lightweight jQuery plugin which generates a collapsible folder/directory/file tree from a nested html list.

tree-view Folder-Tree


jQuery simpleTree

Yet another jQuery treeview plugin to display nested ULs as nice trees.

This plugin is based on a script and CSS for simple unobtrusive javascript treeview developed by Krijn Hoetmer:


Adapted as a jQuery plugin by Maurizio Manetti.

Live demo and examples: https://mauntrelio.github.io/demos/simpletree/


To be documented. You can figure out...


Include files from the dist folder:

<!-- Simple Tree core CSS file --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/simpletree.css">  <!-- jQuery 1.9+ or Zepto.js 1.0+ --> <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>  <!-- Simple Tree core JS file --> <script src="js/jquery.simpletree.min.js"></script>

Treeview initialization should be executed after document ready, for example:

$(document).ready(function() {   $('.tree').simpleTree({startCollapsed: false}); });

The option startCollapsed is true by default.

Treeview can be applied programmatically:

$('#maketree').on('click',function(){ 	$('#firstTree').simpleTree(); });	

Treeview can be removed:

$('#destroytree').on('click',function(){ 	$('#firstTree').simpleTree('destroy'); });	

Please note that simpleTree is stateful: expanded and collapsed status of the nodes will be kept if you destroy and then re-apply treeview again. This is based on simpleTree specific classes (.st-open and .st-collapsed) defined in the CSS.

This is also useful if you want to have a treeview partially opened by default: just give the class .st-open or .st-collapsed to the relevant List Item. Class given on the single LI element take precedence over the global startCollapsed option.

Treeview provides three basic methods in addition to destroy. Use the expand method to fully open a treeview:


Use the collapse method to completely close a treeview:


If you need to dynamically add or remove elements to your list when the treeview is applied and you want to keep consistency, just call the repaint method immediately after adding or removing the element:

$('#firstTree').append('<li>Added item</li>'); $('#firstTree').simpleTree('repaint');

Live demo and examples: https://mauntrelio.github.io/demos/simpletree/


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  • document installation
  • themes (different icons / look)

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