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Sunslide is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin used for creating a responsive, automatic, cross-fading image carouse/slideshow.




A very basic, jQuery-based, responsive image slider/carousel with captions and aspect ratio support for variable sized images.

View the project on GitHub

Captions are pulled from the alt parameter of the img tag.

SVGs are supported, and like images, must include a pixel width and height attribute. Captions are pulled from the SVG’s <desc> or <title> tags.


<head>     <!-- ... unrelated content ... -->     <link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/jquery.sunslide.css">     <!-- ... unrelated content ... --> </head> <body>     <!-- ... unrelated content ... -->     <ul class="sunslide">         <li><img src="images/cats-0.jpg" alt="Cats 0 caption" width="900" height="506"></li>         <li><svg width="900" height="506"><title>Cats 1 caption</title><!-- awesome svg cat code --></svg></li>         <li><img src="images/cats-2.jpg" alt="Cats 2 caption" width="640" height="480"></li>         <li><img src="images/cats-3.jpg" alt="Cats 3 caption" width="900" height="506"></li>         <li><img src="images/cats-4.jpg" alt="Cats 4 caption" width="1000" height="500"></li>     </ul>     <!-- ... unrelated content ... -->     <script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>     <script src="/path/to/jquery.sunslide.min.js"></script>     <script>     !(function ($) {         // These options are the default options for the plugin.         // They are only included for reference.         var options = {             auto: true,             captions: true,             nav: true,             nextText: "&rarr;",             play: true,             pause: true,             prevText: "&larr;",             ratio: "first",             stopOnNav: true,             timeout: 5000         };         $('.sunslide').sunslide(options);     })(jQuery);     </script> </body>

A samples page is also included.

Dependencies and Assumptions

The plugin should work with jQuery 1.9 or later.

Each slide must contain only <img> or <svg> tag which should include both a width and height attribute.

<img> tags must contain the alt attribute (which is already required for acessibility). <svg> tags must contain a <title> and/or <desc> tag for captions.



Automatically transition to the next slide via a timer?

type: boolean default: true options:     true -- Automatically transition to the next slide     false -- Do not automatically transition to the next slide 


Use the image alt text as the slider caption?

type: boolean default: true options:     true -- Add captions     false -- Do not add captions 


Add the previous and next slide navigation links? This is independent of the play option.

type: boolean default: true options:     true -- show navigation links     false -- do not show navigation links 


Link text for the next slide nav link.

type: string default: "&rarr;" dependency: nav = true 


Add a play/pause button to control the automatic slide transitions? This is independent of the nav option.

type: boolean default: true options:     true -- Add the play/pause button     false -- Do not add the play/pause button 


Pause the automatic slide transitions when hovering over the slider with the mouse?

type: boolean default: true options:     true -- Pause on hover     false -- Do not pause on hover dependency: auto = true 


Link text for the previous slide nav link.

type: string default: "&larr;" dependency: nav = true 


Base the aspect ratio for the whole container to the smallest ratio (min), largest ratio (max), or the apsect ratio of the first slide (first).

type: string default: 'first' options:     'first' -- First slide’s aspect ratio     'min' -- Smallest aspect ratio     'max' -- Largest aspect ratio 


Stop the auto slide transition once any nav link is clicked? Once stopped, it can only be restarted with the play/pause button if the play option is true.

type: boolean default: true options:     true -- Stop the auto slide transition     false -- Do not stop the auto slide transition dependency: auto = true, nav = true 


Time, in milliseconds, between auto slide transitions.

type: integer default: 5000 dependency: auto = true 


Released under the MIT license - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

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