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Audio-Gallery-Suite is a complete audio gallery suite/solution that includes a web audio gallery and a software for managing playlists, uploading audios and managing the web audio gallery. The Audio-Gallery-Suite is built up using the latest technology and harnesses their power to put up a sophisticated solution. The Audio-Gallery-Suite is made in a way to be easily setup and deployed by anyone who wishes to use it. I hope that this project proves useful for anyone who intends to use it. Audio-Gallery-Suite is a complete audio gallery solution made with HTML5/CSS3/Jquery-JS/PHP-ajax/C# that includes a web audio gallery and a software for managing the web audio gallery.

Ajax CSS HTML5 PHP Video_Audio



Audio-Gallery-Suite is a complete audio gallery solution made with HTML5/CSS3/Jquery-JS/PHP-ajax/C# that includes a web audio gallery and a software (both web and windows based) for managing the web audio gallery.


Watch video demonstration on youtube http://youtu.be/IEB4hLtcTiU

Gallery Management

Windows based software (Deprecated) :

The windows based software that was earlier used to manage the audio gallery suite (CRUD management for playlists and audios) has not been tested with the latest commits made and may or may not fucntion correctly.

Web based application (Recommended) :

A web based management panel (named as Gallardmin) has been added. Gallardmin is a web based gallery management module that helps in management of the audio gallery suite using a web based interface. It uses the latest web technologies and a cleaner intuitive interface.

USAGE (includes usage instructions for setup of Audio-Gallery-Suite using Gallardmin-web based management interface only)

  1. Download this zip: https://github.com/robinrizvi/Audio-Gallery-Suite/archive/master.zip

  2. Execute these sql scripts (present in Resources/SQL Script) in your mysql server:

    1. audiogallery_db.sql
    2. create_user_[optional].sql
  3. Configure Gallery/php/config.php if the there are any changes to the database or the database user other than the default ones assumed.

  4. Copy/upload the contents of Gallery folder from the zip to your server where-ever you want

  5. Go to http://root_url_to_gallery_folder/management/audiogallery/login.html

  6. Type superuser and superuser as username and password respectively

  7. Add playlist and add audios under that playlist

  8. Go to your http://root_url_to_gallery_folder/index.html to view your gallery




Robin Rizvi
Email: robin.rizvi@gmail.com
Website: https://in.linkedin.com/in/robinrizvi/
Blog: http://www.codeproject.com/script/Articles/MemberArticles.aspx?amid=6849819


View the Credits.txt file


Licensed under the MIT license.

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