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xRequest is a simple plugin to Ajax Request using jQuery and PHP.



Deprecated: This repository is deprecated. But if anyone wants to take over feel free to clone and go from there.

jQuery xRequest

Simple plugin to Ajax Request

How to use

Passing options only.

var myrequest = new xRequest({   url: 'server.php',   type: 'post',   dataType: 'json',   onSuccess: function(json) {       console.log(json);   } }); myrequest.send();

Or passing two params, a form for serialize it's fields and options.

var myrequest = new xRequest($('#myform'), {   url: 'server.php',   type: 'post',   dataType: 'json',   processForm: true,   data: {foo: 'bar'},   onSuccess: function(json) {       console.log(json);   } }); myrequest.send();


Install with Bower

bower install xrequest --save


xRequest live demo



  • url: './' - URL to send.
  • type: 'post' - Send Method.
  • dataType: 'json' - Data type to retrieve.
  • csrf: true - If true, csfr token will send as http header.
  • processForm: true - If true, serialize the form passed as param on new xRequest(myform)
  • data: null - The data to send. It will be to preserved until it decides to unset. For example using the unsetDataBy() or clearData() functions.

Note: The options by xRequest are compatible with jQuery.ajax options, so for example it can use: cache, jsonp, beforeSend or any options supported in jQuery.ajax function.


  • isSending() - Checks if it's sending yet.
  • send() - Sends the ajax request.
  • setOption(opt, value) - Sets one option. e.g: myrequest.setOption('url', '/server.php')
  • setForm(form) - Sets the form. e.g: myrequest.setForm($('#myform'))
  • getOption(opt) - Gets one option. e.g: myrequest.getOption('data')
  • setData(key, value) - Sets a param data passing key and value or a hash object. E.g: setData({key1: val1, key2: val2})
    Note: setData adds or update the elements (key or value) in array data, it does not replace the array data itself.
  • unsetDataBy(key) - Unsets one element data by key. e.g: myrequest.unsetDataBy('myparam')
  • clearData() - Unsets all data values.
  • getForm() - Gets current Form element instance.
  • removeDataElement(key) - The same to unsetDataBy method (old)


  • onStart() - Fires when start the sending.
  • onSuccess(data, textStatus, jqXHR) - Fires when request is ok.
  • onError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) - Fires when an error occurred.


Check out the releases changelog.


Released under MIT Licence

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