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An angular directive for CLNDR.js. With this directive you can render the CLNDR-template Angular-style.

Date_Time Plugins



An angular directive for CLNDR.js. With this directive you can render the CLNDR-template Angular-style.

Brought to you by 10KB.


You can find a demo on the homepage.

Usage & configuration

For a complete documentation check the homepage.

Directive usage:

<tien-clndr tien-clndr-object="clndr" tien-clndr-events="events">   <div class="clndr-controls">     <div class="clndr-previous-button" ng-click="clndr.back()">       &lsaquo;     </div>     <div class="month">       {{month}}     </div>     <div class="clndr-next-button" ng-click="clndr.forward()">       &rsaquo;     </div>   </div>   <div class="clndr-grid">     <div class="days-of-the-week">       <div class="header-day" ng-repeat="day in daysOfTheWeek track by $index">         {{day}}       </div>     </div>     <div class="days">       <div class="{{day.classes}}" ng-repeat="day in days">         <div class="event-indicator" ng-show="day.events.length" ng-click="showEvents(day.events)">{{day.events.length}}</div>         {{day.day}}       </div>     </div>   </div> </tien-clndr>


angular-clndr is released under the MIT license.

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