Are you looking for JQuery Other Libraries Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 15 JQuery Other Libraries Plugins for you. you can choose any of following JQuery Other Libraries Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated JQuery Other Libraries Plugins.
Clusterize.js is a tiny vanilla JS plugin to display large data sets easily. .....
Other Libraries
This is a JavaScript that makes QR code less boring. With this, you can overlay the QR code over an image — such as your photo. .....
Core Java Script
Other Libraries
Wraith is a screenshot comparison tool, created by developers at BBC News.Wraith uses a headless browser to create screenshots of webpages on different environments (or at different moments in time) and then creates a diff of the .....
Core Java Script
Other Libraries
StackEdit is a full-featured, open-source Markdown editor based on PageDown, the Markdown library used by Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites. .....
Core Java Script
Other Libraries
Laroux.js is a jQuery substitute for modern browsers and mobile devices. But instead of offering some wrappers and own dynamics, it simply provides helper functions to achieve the same objectives as jQuery or Zepto. .....
Other Libraries
100% Javascript realtime chat like facebook/gmail web style built with jQuery UI, Node.js, Socket.IO.The jQuery Chat plugin can be used to add a JavaScript-based chatting system to your site, allows webmasters/developers to add a .....
Other Libraries
Broadcast Messaging Library that works between iFrames, Frames, and Windows.Features:Simple API, from which you can build more elaborate messaging systems.Messages are broadcasted to all frames and registered windows, regardless o.....
Core Java Script
Other Libraries
Display Youtube user feed with jQuery and Handlebars Template. .....
Other API
Other Libraries
Warn your users when their network goes down. Make sure they don’t lose anything .It’s written in CoffeeScript, and compiled into JavaScript. .....
Core Java Script
Other Libraries
Backbone.Notifier is a powerful UI notifications framework for displaying and controlling UI notifications.It is built on top of jQuery, Backbone.js + Underscore.js and has many cool features like a 3D module or animations support.....
Other Libraries
Popup Window
The Wall is a plugin for Mootools javascript framework designed to create walls of infinite dimensions. Its flexibility allows different applications, from infinite wall mode to Coda slider mode. The Wall creates compatible interf.....
Other Libraries
JustGage is a handy JavaScript plugin for generating and animating nice & clean gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing, so it’s completely resolution independant and self-adjusting.Oh yes, since it’s pu.....
Other Libraries
SVG Tutorial
PrimaryWall is a web-based sticky note tool wall, build with node.js, & jQuery designed for schools that allows pupils and teachers to work together in real-time.Getting ideas, collaborating, sharing and quickly pos.....
Other Libraries
SeuratJS is a JavaScript library that extends Raphaël and allows for the creation of vivid animations and pixelated artwork using minimal code. It does this by extacting color data from an image of your choice and rebuilding the .....
Other Libraries
SVG Tutorial