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Just another jQuery image loading detection plugin that gives you the possibility to check whether an image successful or failed to load.




A javascript plugin (with jQuery support) to detect the status of images loading

Based on imgStatus https://github.com/raphamorim/imgStatus written originally by Raphael Amorim, Rewritten almost totally to provide a simple way to deal with images loading, made in a nice way with callbacks for the image status with the support of jQuery for people who want to use it in the jQuery plugin way.

Vanilla Javascript :

imagesStatus('.imageContainerDiv', {      imgLoaded: function(img){         console.log(this.status.loaded);         console.log(img);     },      imgFailed: function(img){         console.log(this.status.failed);         console.log("-------failed---------------");         console.log(img);         console.log("-----------------------------");     },      allImgFinished: function(container){         console.log("all images loaded");         console.log(this.status.loaded + " images loaded, " + this.status.failed + " images failed!");     }   });  

jQuery :

$(".imageContainerDiv").imagesStatus({      imgLoaded: function(img){         console.log(this.status.loaded);         console.log(img);     },      imgFailed: function(img){         console.log(this.status.failed);         console.log("-------failed---------------");         console.log(img);         console.log("-----------------------------");     },      allImgFinished: function(container){         console.log("all images loaded");         console.log(this.status.loaded + " images loaded, " + this.status.failed + " images failed!");     }   }); 


Please use the Issues for any bugs, feature requests, etc.


MIT License

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