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A lightweight easy to use jQuery plugin used to preload an array of specific images with a customizable preloading bar. Callback events are supported that allow you to do some cool stuffs when the load of images was finished, succeed, or fa

image-loading image-preload



jQuery preloadImages

Online Demo: http://jsbin.com/AdacIfI/2


$(['img1.jpg','img2.jpg']).preloadImages([allCallback(succeedCount,len) [,oneCallback(isSucceed,finishedCount,len,src), [urlPadding]]]); 


var imgList = ['img1.jpg','img2.jpg']; var urlPadding = 'http://my.custom.domain/'; $(imgList).preloadImages(function(succeedCount,len){     // all images finished ... },function(isSucceed,finishedCount,len,src){     // one image finished, succeed or failed ... },urlPadding) 

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