Golden age of jQuery has passed away.
See Circus Scroll 2 - Angular 2 Directive for scroll animations.
Easy to use jQuery plugin for scroll animation.
Init script and mouse wheel settings:
<script src="js/circus-scroll-tween.min.js"></script>
$('html').csInit({ wheelDelay: 300, // milliseconds wheelDistance: 500, // pixels wheelEase: 'easeOutQuad' // ease type });
Adding Tween:
$('.anim1').csTween({ begin: 0, // scroll position in pixels end: 500, // scroll position in pixels from: { letterSpacing: '0', opacity: '1' }, to: { letterSpacing: '2vw', opacity: '0' }, easing: 'easeOutExpo', // ease type onStart: function(el){ //console.log('onStart'); }, onProgress: function(el,p){ //console.log(p); }, onComplete: function(el){ //console.log('onComplete'); $(el).hide(); }, onReverseStart: function(el){ //console.log('onReverseStart'); $(el).show(); }, onReverseComplete: function(el){ //console.log('onReverseComplete'); } });
- For CSS transform animation like 'rotate' please use qTransform.js ( or similar jQuery plugin.
csGoTo - Scrolls to defined position
$().csGoTo({ scrollPos: 500, // pixels duration: 500, easing: 'easeOutQuad' }); $().csGoTo({ scrollPos: 'end', // scrolls to end of document duration: 1000, easing: 'easeOutQuad' });
csGetScrollTop - Returns current scroll position
var scrollTop = $().csGetScrollTop();
csDestroy - Removes all scroll tweens and mouse wheel events
Circus Scroll Tween use jQuery Easing v1.3 plugin - under BSD Licence
Easing types:
- linear
- swing
- easeInQuad
- easeOutQuad
- easeInOutQuad
- easeInCubic
- easeOutCubic
- easeInOutCubic
- easeInQuart
- easeInOutQuart
- easeInQuint
- easeOutQuint
- easeInOutQuint
- easeInSine
- easeOutSine
- easeInOutSine
- easeInExpo
- easeOutExpo
- easeInOutExpo
- easeInCirc
- easeOutCirc
- easeInOutCirc
- easeInElastic
- easeOutElastic
- easeInOutElastic
- easeInBack
- easeOutBack
- easeInOutBack
- easeInBounce
- easeOutBounce
- easeInOutBounce
Circus Scroll Tween:
jQuery Easing v1.3