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A jQuery plugin to generate a vertical sidebar navigation with anchor tags which allow you to scroll to associated content sections with smooth animations.

scrolling One-Page-Scrolling



jQuery Plugin for Navigation on SinglePage

This Plugin is still under development

##Quick Start

If you have installed Node.js and bower

$ git clone https://github.com/TimoGelhard/jquery.onepage.scroll.git $ bower install 


- Download Zip.file - Download jQuery - Download jQuery.easing 

##Include Plugin

In your Document you have to create multiple content areas with the same class all in a container. Every content 'div' must have an 'id' so you can scroll to.

<div class="container">     <div class="selector" id="content-1" data-title="Tooltip">         Content     </div>     <div class="selector" id="content-2">         <h3>Headline</h3>         Content2         .         .         . </div> 

so you can init the plugin

$('.container').onePageScroll({     sectionSelector: $('.selector') });

##Plugin Settings

$('.container').onePageScroll({     //is an Element Class for the Content Parts as jQuery Selector      //jQuery selector (required)     sectionSelector: $('.selector'),          //set the Top referenz to set the "Aktiv Zone Beginning" of the content parts     //integer (optional) default: 50     topMargin: 50,          //set the Top referenz from the height() value of the given element       //jQuery selector (optional)     topElement: $('header'),           //additional value that's added to topMargin to move the "Aktiv Zone Beginning" down     //integer (optional) default: 10     offsetAktiv: 10,          //set the position of the navigation container     //string 'right' or 'left' (optional) default: 'right'      position: 'right',          //option to create navigation buttons on empty content section     //boolean (optional) default: false     emptyContent: false,          //set the easing value for page scroll     //string (optional) default: 'easeInOutQuart'     ease: 'easeInOutQuart',          //set the time of the scroll duration     //integer (optional) default: 1000     animationDuration: 1000,          //activate key navigation to navigate with the page up and down buttons     //boolean (optional) default: true     keyNavigation: true,        //activate the tooltips     //default tooltip text from data-title="" attribute of content part     //boolean (optional) default: true     tooltip: true,        //set the tooltip text from the html() value of an element     //jQuery selector (optional)      tooltipSelector: $('h3'),          //set the color of Tooltip     //css value string (optional) default: '#ffffff'     tooltipColor: '#ffffff',      //set the background of the Tooltip     //css value string (optional) default: rgba(0,0,0,0.8)     tooltipBackground: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.8)',      //set the border of the navigation container (normal css)     //string css value (optional) default: '1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2)'     borderNavigation: '1px solid red',          //set the background of the navigation container     //string css value (optional) default: 'rgba(80,80,80,0.6)'     background: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.8)',          //set the border radius or the navigation container     //integer (optional) default: 10     borderRadius: 10,        //set the width of each navigation item     //integer (optional) default: 40     naviItemWidth: 40,      //set the width of each navigation item     //integer (optional) default: 30     naviItemHeight: 30,        //set the color of the navigation buttons     //string css value (optional) default: '#c2c2c2'     buttonColor: '#c2c2c2',       //set the color of the navigation button for aktiv content part     //string css value (optional) default: '#ffffff'     buttonColorAktiv: '#ffffff',       //set the width and height of the navigation buttons     //integer (optional) default: 10         buttonSize: 10 ,      //set the border of the navigation buttons     //string css value (optional) default: '1px solid #ffffff'     buttonBorder: '1px solid #ffffff',        //set the border radius of the buttons     //integer (optional) default: 6     buttonBorderRadius: 6  });

##Destroy Method

You can Destroy the Plugin with:



That the Plugin is full responsive, be sure that you're index.html contains

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/> 

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