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Slight Submenu is a jQuery accordion menu plugin that allows to expand/collapse sub menus with smooth transitions by using mouse events (click or mouse hover.)



jQuery Slight Submenu plugin

Why is this?

For the single purpose of automating nested menu management with the slight presence of javascript.

Short overview

What does it do?

  • adds behavior related to nested unordered lists - adds buttons for expand/collapse inside the corresponding list item with the nested UL
  • lets you configure every aspect of the plugin in any way you want - setting button events of your choice, modifying added css classes, executed callbacks, even overriding defaults globally


  • very easy to use and just a few kilobytes in size with full control over every aspect that the plugin touches;
  • does not shadow any a's hrefs (this is why buttons are used to expand/collapse submenus);
  • possibility to replace defaults globally
  • almost no css, as this plugin is intended to add behavior so its up to you how things will look
  • multilevel submenu nesting with each nesting for itself (full control, again)
  • inline css option allowing css to be applied inline (by default it is not) for the javascript lover and the one who would need that kind of functionality
  • deep nesting (loose, even uneven structure, no pun intended) for fine control even in the most markup-twisted situation or for custom scenarios (say an accordeon)
  • supports even ie7+ (keep in mind that jQuery 2.* and upwards does not support < IE9 and if you use that, no support for those old browsers)


For a showcase of those features you can have a look at the GitHubPages demo page or the demo page which is included with the plugin.


  • only a single submenu (UL) in a LI is supported and will work as expected;
  • currently, opening/closing a submenu always uses a "submenu button" (for now you cannot delegate this responsibility directly to the corresponding <a> next to the button) though you can emulate the behaviour
  • I can't think of any other major limitations;

Min jQuery version: 1.8

Plugin options and usage:

To use the plugin you need >= jQuery 1.8 and the plugin itself:

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.0.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.slight-submenu.min.js"></script>

If you are not using inline css (plugin option), there is some mandatory css (for things to work) that you might want to include or copy contents from:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/slight-submenu.css" />

After that you can simply apply the plugin to an element/s which has/have an UL (or is itself an UL) and has in his children LIs another UL (to become a submenu):



You can modify almost every aspect that the plugin has contact with:

$('#master-menu').slightSubmenu({     buttonActivateEvents: 'click mouseenter',   // Space separated events string (just as you would use in a plain jQuery .on('events-string', ...) ) that activate the expand/collapse buttons     buttonCloseNotSubmenuEvents: 'mouseenter',  // the events that should collapse a submenu are the same as the ones that open it - this option lets you specify those that should not be able to close it     multipleSubmenusOpenedAllowed: true,    // pretty straighforward - if set to false, only a single submenu at a time can stay expanded      prependButtons: false,  // this is where to put the buttons inside the parent LI - in the beginning (true) or just before the submenu UL (false)     applyInlineCss: false,  // more control with javascript     topUlClass: 'slight-submenu-master-ul', // class for the top most ul, holding the LIs with submenu ULs     topLiClass: '', // class for the top UL LIs     topLiWithUlClass: 'li-with-ul', // class for the LIs that hold an UL     buttonClass: 'slight-submenu-button',   // class for the expand/collapse buttons     buttonSubmenuOpenedClass: 'opened', // class for the button when its corresponding submenu is visible     submenuUlClass: 'slight-submenu-ul',    // class for the      directLiInlineCss: $.fn.slightSubmenu.defDirectLiInlineCss, // *InlineCss options hold js objects with css definitions (those options correspond to the elements we can attach classes to)     submenuUlInlineCss: $.fn.slightSubmenu.defSubmenuUlInlineCss,     topContainerInlineCss: $.fn.slightSubmenu.defTopContainerInlineCss,     buttonInlineCss: $.fn.slightSubmenu.defButtonInlineCss,     buttonActiveInlineCss: $.fn.slightSubmenu.defButtonActiveInlineCss,     // callbacks that control the way the currently processed submenu is managed     handlerButtonIn: $.fn.slightSubmenu.handlerButtonIn,    // receives a jQuery object (the $submenuUl) as an argument; makes the menu visible     handlerForceClose: $.fn.slightSubmenu.handlerForceClose // receives a jQuery object (the $submenuUl) as an argument; hides the menu     handlerGenerateButtonMarkup: $.fn.slightSubmenu.handlerGenerateButtonMarkup // allows for custom submenu button markup  });

The referenced $.fn.slightSubmenu.* objects/functions look like this:

$.fn.slightSubmenu.handlerButtonIn = function($submenuUl) {     $submenuUl.show(1000); };  $.fn.slightSubmenu.handlerForceClose = function($submenuUl) {     $submenuUl.hide(1000); };  // the passed argument, by default is settings.buttonClass $.fn.slightSubmenu.handlerGenerateButtonMarkup = function(buttonClass) {     return '<span class="' + buttonClass + '"></span>'; };  $.fn.slightSubmenu.defTopContainerInlineCss = { position: 'relative' }; $.fn.slightSubmenu.defDirectLiInlineCss = {};    $.fn.slightSubmenu.defSubmenuUlInlineCss = {}; $.fn.slightSubmenu.defButtonActiveInlineCss = {};  $.fn.slightSubmenu.defButtonInlineCss = {     background: '#ccc',     display: 'inline',     marginLeft: '8px',     width: '10px',     height: '18px',     position: 'absolute',     cursor: 'pointer'   // this might be the difference                          // between the 'click' working on iOS and not };

You can guess you can replace (globally) any of that with your own defaults as it is all public.

$.fn.slightSubmenu.handlerButtonIn = function($submenuUl) {     // code };

Have fun using the plugin!

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