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Table Section is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to make the headers or any rows of an Html table stick to the top of the web page




table-section-js is a jQuery plugin adding sticky headers and/or sections "à la" iOS for HTML tables. Twitter Bootstrap is recommended but not mandatory.

See table-section-js in action: http://codepen.io/gillesdandrea/pen/aOzewP


First, load table-section-js stylesheet:

<link href="css/table-section.css" rel="stylesheet">

Then, load jQuery and table-section-js JavaScript:

<script src="js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/table-section.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Now, add css class ts-table-section to table tags and ts-row-section to tr tags to be used as table row sections.

<table class="ts-table-section">   ...   <tr class="ts-row-section">     ...   </tr>   <tr>     ...   </tr>   ... </table>

Now, run the script on DOM ready:

<script type="text/javascript">    jQuery(document).ready(function() {      $(document).tableSection();    }); </script>

You can specify a vertical offset if necessary. I.e when using bootstrap navbar:

<script type="text/javascript">    jQuery(document).ready(function() {      $(document).tableSection({verticalOffset: 40});    }); </script>


Unit testing, benching, multiple row section support, better iOS scroll support...


Many thanks to Ole Morten Amundsen and Brad Birdsall. Their respective work https://github.com/oma/table-fixed-header and http://css-tricks.com/persistent-headers/ inspired table-section-js.


Gilles d'Andréa (@gillesdandrea)

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