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mk-notiX is a very small jQuery notification plugin which helps you display growl-style toast messages to alert the user of something.

Notification toast-message growl-notification


mk-notiX 2

JQuery Plugin for create easy to use notifications.

NotiX v.2.0 JQuery Plug-in

  • v1.0 27/04/2016
  • v2.0 25/1/2018

Create a cool notification for jQuery, simple to use.

How to use: simply find example below:

  1. include jQuery.js to your header
  2. include mk-notix.js to your header

Available Functions Docs

  1. Trigger function: returnN('message','color','duration')
Option Description Value
message The display message that will show Text/HTML
color Display message text colorText/CSS
duration Time before notification disappearMilliseconds (1000 = 1 Second)
  1. Trigger function: alertX(message)
Option Description Value
message The display message that will show Text/HTML
  1. Trigger function: informX(message)
Option Description Value
message The display message that will show Text/HTML
  1. Trigger function: confirmX(message, url, ok, cancel)
Option Description Value
message The display message that will show Text/HTML
url URL will redirect toURL
ok Text of ok buttonText/HTML
ok Text of cancel buttonText/HTML
  1. Trigger function: functionX(message, callback, ok, cancel)
Option Description Value
message The display message that will show Text/HTML
callback Function will to trigger if Oktext/js
ok Text of ok buttonText/HTML
ok Text of cancel buttonText/HTML

Created by: Mahmoud Kassem
Email: mahmoud.ali.kassem@gmail.com
makdev.net - www.zbony.com

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