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simpleToast is a small, unobtrusive yet customizable jQuery notification plugin to create minimal, clean, non-blocking toast popups on the web app.

Notification toast-message

$('#t1').on('click',function(){     $('body').simpleToast({         minWidth: "100px",         maxWidth: "200px",         padding: "10px",         background: "#2b2a2a",         opacity: 0.9,         zIndex: 9999, //层级         borderRadius: "6px", //圆角         duration: 2000, //toast 显示时间         animateIn: "boxBounceIn", //进入的动画         animateDuration: 500, //执行动画时间         color: "#ffffff",         fontSize: "16px", //字体大小         icon: "icon-success",//loading|success|error|info|refresh         content: "this is a message!", //提示内容     }); });

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