Simplert is a dead simple jQuery plugin for creating responsive, adaptive alert/notification popups that work on any size windows and screens.
Flat Style jQuery Bottom Right Notification Plugin - Notifications.js
Elegant iOS-like Notification Plugin - ClassyNotty
Minimal Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - bootbar
Android Style jQuery Toaster Messages Plugin - cftoaster
Lightweight jQuery Notification Box Plugin - jNotify
jQuery Plugin For Grouped & Streamlined Notification Boxes - Sticky
Cool Animated Notification Plugin with jQuery - jGrowl
Ghost-Like jQuery Notification Plugin - goNotification
Tiny jQuery Sticky Notification Plugin - stickynotif
Create A Fullpage & Responsive Notification Box with jQuery and CSS3
jQuery Notification Plugin with CSS3 Animations - Tikslus Notirious
Minimal jQuery Popup Notification Plugin - emergejs
Minimal jQuery Alert Box Plugin with CSS3 Animations - Simple Alert
Minimal jQuery Grouped Notification Boxes Plugin - notifyme
jQuery Plugin For iOS Style Notification Center - obNotificationCenter.js
Minimal jQuery Toast Notification Plugin - ialert
Simple Clean jQuery Notification Plugin - MX Notice
Simple Yet Fully Customizable jQuery Notification Box - notify
jQuery Plugin To Create iOS-style Overlays/Notifications - iosnotice
Lightweight Pretty jQuery Notification Box Plugin - notiJ
Growl-like Notification Plugin with jQuery and Animate.css - iGrowl
Stack Overflow-Style Animated Notification Bar with jQuery
jQuery Mobile Android-like Toast Message Plugin - Mobile Toast
Dynamic Notifications Using jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Message
Create Stylish Animated Notification Bars with jQuery - Sudo Notify
Create Simple Alert Messages with jQuery and Bootstrap - alert.js
Animated Notification Plugin with jQuery and Animate.css - sticky
jQuery Plugin To Show Pretty Notifications with Icons - Notification Service
jQuery Plugin To Create Fixed & Stackable Notifications - Notification
Simple Sliding Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery - getNotified
Create A Responsive Top Notification Bar with jQuery and CSS3 - Freenbar.js
Minimalist jQuery Notification Plugin - rtnotify
Classic Growl-like Notification Plugin For jQuery - Gritter
Small Animated jQuery Notification Popup Plugin - Notifier
jQuery Plugin For Growl-style Notification System - notifications
jQuery Plugin For Fixed Notification Bars - tappifications
Simple Alert Box Plugin with jQuery - Lite Alert
Slick Responsive Toast Message Plugin with jQuery - Tostie
Simple jQuery UI & jQuery Mobile Message Box Plugin
Android Style jQuery Toast Notification Plugin
Easy Customizable jQuery Notification Plugin - cosyAlert
Creating Windows 8 Style Toast Notifications with jQuery and CSS3 - Win8 Notify
Customizable Popup Notification Plugin with jQuery - pop.js
Minimal Modal Dialog Box Plugin with jQuery - Dialogbox
Simple Alert Dialog Box Plugin For jQuery - al.js
Simple Growl Notification Plugin with jQuery - Notifyr
Create Cookie Based Popup Messages using jQuery - Flash Messages
Android Toast-style jQuery Notification Plugin - dpToast
Simple Top Notification Plugin with jQuery - firework.js
Ajax-enabled jQuery Notification Popup Plugin - tpPopup
Growl-style Message Toaster with jQuery - Meow
Growl-like Toast Notification Plugin with jQuery and Font Awesome - MsgPop
Xbox One Style Notifications with jQuery and CSS3 Animations
Minimal CSS3 Animated Top Notification Bar with jQuery - Notifier-CSS3
Tiny jQuery Toast Notification Plugin - rustaMsgBox
Small jQuery Notification Popup Plugin - Notice
Minimal jQuery Plugin For Handling Bootstrap Alerts - BS3 Alerts
Simple Adaptive Notification Plugin with CSS3 Animations - NotifyMeNow
Android Style Toast Message Plugin For jQuery - ToastJS
Lightweight Growl-style Notification Plugin - dm_notify.js
Basic Toast Notification Plugin For jQuery - JNotify
Lightweight Multipurpose jQuery Notification Plugin - Notify
Mobile-first jQuery Notification & Dialog Plugin - mobiDialog
Lightweight Sticky Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery - ulak.js
Easy Android Style Message Toaster For jQuery - Toast.js
jQuery Windows 8-Style Notification Plugin - notific8
Create Google-like Flash Messages with jQuery and Animate.css - Flash
Minimal Growl-style Notification Plugin For jQuery - NotificationJs
Basic Growl-style Notification Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
Dead Simple jQuery Notification Plugin - notificator.js