Overlay scrollbar for Vue.js.
Check out the live demo.
- Supports vertical & horizontal scrollbars.
- Easy scrollbar configration - everything using CSS!
- Uses MutationObserver to update scrollbar size & position.
- Supports min-height (default 20% of viewport) to ensure scrollbar remains draggable on very long content.
- When user has scrolled to the beginning or the end of content, Scrolly seamlessly activates scrolling of parent body by detecting if user scrolled with greater scroll inertia.
$ npm install vue-scrolly
Using vue-scrolly
First, import vue-scrolly
into your Vue component.
import { Scrolly, ScrollyViewport, ScrollyBar } from 'vue-scrolly'; export default { // ... components: { Scrolly, ScrollyViewport, ScrollyBar } }
Then, construct your div block with overlay scrollbar using scrolly component.
<scrolly class="foo" :style="{ width: '400px', height: '300px' }"> <scrolly-viewport> <!-- Your contents here --> </scrolly> <scrolly-bar axis="y"></scrolly-bar> <scrolly-bar axis="x"></scrolly-bar> </scrolly>
Customizing overlay scrollbar
You can customize the appearance of the overlay scrollbar using CSS overrides.
This simple example below creates custom blue overlay scrollbar: .scrolly-bar:before { background: blue; }
For complete reference, you can look at vue-scrolly's default CSS stylesheet from the main Scrolly.vue component file.
Property | Description | Type | Default |
parentScroll | Scroll parent when user has completed scrolling to the beginning or the end of the viewport. | Boolean | true |
passiveScroll | When true, mousewheel event is attached as a non-blocking passive listener for improved scrolling performance. Disabling parentScroll will not be possible. See: | Boolean | false |
Property | Description | Type | Default |
axis | Displays horizontal or vertical scrollbar. | String [x, y] | y |
Event | Description | Parameters |
scrollchange | Triggers when user scrolls the viewport | scrollLayout: object |
vue-scrolly by Yan Sern licensed under the MIT+BSD. This project also uses normalizeWheel packaged by basilfx which contains codes extracted from BSD-licensed Fixed Data Table project by Facebook.
PS: I would love to know if you're using vue-scrolly. Tweet to me at @yansernio.