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miniNotif is an extremely lightweight (1kb) jQuery plugin for creating sliding, non-blocking notification messages with custom text, colors and icons.




Drop, enjoy Author License: LGPL--3.0 Repo Size jsDelivr Hits

Display custom notifications easily


1. Import js and css

<script src="path/to/miniNotif.js"></script> <link href="path/to/miniNotif.css" rel="stylesheet" />

You can use jsDelivr links to keep updated your miniNotif : https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/gh/TheRolfFR/miniNotif

2. Initalize miniNotif in your javascript


You can initialize with a parameter, the name of the selector where you want your notifications to pop in or the object himself :

miniNotif.init('#element'); // or miniNotif.init(document.getElementById('element'));

3. Diplay a new notification:

The addNotif function handles theses parameters in an object :

Parameter name Required Default value Type Description
text X String Text of the notification
process true Boolean Hide immediatly the notif after if true
icon String Icon of the notification
color String Color of the notification (CSS property)
background String background of the notification (CSS property)
fadeinduration 300ms Number Duration in milliseconds of the fade in effect
visibleduration 200ms Number Duration in milliseconds where it is visible

Example :

miniNotif.addNotif({     text: 'New notification !!!',     icon: '(!)',     color: 'white',     background: 'linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(98,125,77,1) 0%, rgba(31,59,8,1) 100%);',     fadeinduration: 250,     visibleduration: 1000 });

4. Enjoy !

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