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popmessage is a simple yet multifunctional jQuery plugin used to create growl-style notifications and/or full-width notification bars on the webpage.

Notification Notification-bar growl-notification



jQuery plugin for popping messages on webpages (needs CSS3 compatibility)

Create pop message

<div class="pop">     <div class="pop-body">         This is a pop message     </div> </div>

Add a bold title

<div class="pop">     <div class="pop-title">         Pop title     </div>     <div class="pop-body">         This is a pop message with a title.     </div> </div>


By default, the pop message is not formatted and is black on gray.

Therefore, there are several predefined formats for colors and designs:

  • success : a light green message for an operation success.
  • danger : a light red message for an error message.
  • warning : a yellow message for a warning information.
  • info : a light blue message to display an information message.


<div class="pop pop-success">...</div> <div class="pop pop-danger">...</div> <div class="pop pop-warning">...</div> <div class="pop pop-info">...</div>

Include icon

You can include an icon or an image element at the left of the popped message. You must add a div with pop-icon class at the beginning of the pop message content.


<div class="pop pop-info">     <div class="pop-icon">         <img src="mon-popicon.png" alt="PopIcon" />     </div>     ... </div>

By default, pop icons as img are limited to 64x64 pixels. You can override this behaviour specifying width and height in img attributes.


Six predefined positions:

  • top-left
  • top-right
  • bottom-left
  • bottom-right
  • top-wide (Takes all the document width at the top)
  • bottom-wide (Takes all the document width at the bottom)
<div class="pop pop-top-left">...</div> <div class="pop pop-top-right">...</div> <div class="pop pop-bottom-left">...</div> <div class="pop pop-bottom-right">...</div> <div class="pop pop-top-wide">...</div> <div class="pop pop-bottom-wide">...</div>



<!-- 500 milliseconds --> <div class="pop" data-pop-delay="500">...</div> <!-- 10 seconds --> <div class="pop" data-pop-delay="10000">...</div> <!-- Infinite, must be closed or hidden manually --> <div class="pop" data-pop-delay="0">...</div>

Fade in/out effect duration

<!-- Fade in 400 ms --> <div class="pop" data-pop-fade-in="400">...</div> <!-- Fade out 500 ms --> <div class="pop" data-pop-fade-out="500">...</div> <!-- Fade in 300 and Fade out 900 --> <div class="pop" data-pop-fade-in="300" data-pop-fade-out="900">...</div>

Insert message in another element

You must add the pop-container class to the container:

<div id="container" class="pop-container"> 	<div class="pop pop-top-wide">...</div> </div>

Pop the message

Only with HTML

<div id="idPop" class="pop pop-top-wide">...</div> <button data-trigger="pop" data-pop-id="idPop">Pop !</button>

Customization options are also available on trigger element :

<!-- This button will pop #myPop pop message which will not automatically hide. --> <button data-trigger="pop" data-pop-delay="0" data-pop-fade-in="300" data-id="myPop">Pop !</button>

You can also pop all messages by a class with the data-pop-class attribute :

<!-- This button will pop all pop messages in the HTML document --> <button data-trigger="pop" data-pop-delay="0" data-pop-class="pop">Pop!</button>

You can specify a container if the pop can be displayed in different elements :

<button data-trigger="pop" data-pop-id="myPop" data-pop-container="containerid">Pop!</button>

Note: Bottom side popmessages will not correctly work if they are used into containers. You can add your custom CSS into the css option.

With jQuery

// Options is an **object** $("#myButton").on('click', function() {     $("#myPop").pop("show", { 		fadeIn: 500, 		fadeOut: 500, 		delay: 4000, 		side: 'top-wide', 		css: {}, 		closable: true 	}); });
Option Type Default Effect
fadeIn integer 500 jQuery fadeIn effect speed.
fadeOut integer 500 jQuery fadeOut effect speed.
delay integer 4000 Time in milliseconds of pop message duration.
side string undefined Redefine position with top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, top-wide, or bottom-wide.
css object {} Additional CSS as a JavaScript object passed to css jQuery function.
closable boolean true true if you want the close button, false otherwise.
container string undefined Pop message parent ID attribute if you don't want to pop on the whole browser window.


Event name When it triggered
pop.show Triggered when showing process starts
pop.shown Triggered when showing process is finished
pop.hide Triggered when hiding process starts
pop.hidden Triggered when hiding process is finished

You can bind these events with the on jQuery method as you do with other jQuery events.

$("#myPop").on('pop.shown', function() {   /* Do something here */ });

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