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The jQuery cuteScroll plugin helps you append a responsive, touch-enabled and highly customizable scrollbar to any scrollable element or the whole document.




Responsive jQuery y-axis scroll plugin that supports touches, swipes, mouse events. Does not support overlapping elemens scrolling for now.


<script src="jquery.cutescroll.min.js"></script>


jQuery.cuteScroll.defaults={ 	bar:{ 		// any css settings 		opacity:0.5, 		minHeight:'4rem', 		zIndex:110, 		////// settings 		class:'cuteScroll-bar',//default class name 	}, 	rail:{ 		// any css settings 		opacity:0.1, 		height:'100%', 		zIndex:100, 		////// settings 		visible:true,// Makes rail visible 		class:'cuteScroll-rail',//default class name 	}, 	scroller:{// bar and rail will get these values if have no own 		// any css settings 		background:'black', 		width:'0.5rem', 		right:0, 		////// settings 		alwaysVisible:false,// if true, scroller becomes permanently visible 		hideDelay:1000, 		fadeOutSpeed:'slow', 		fadeInSpeed:'fast', 	}, 	canvas:{//scrollable element 		// any css settings 		class:'cuteScroll-canvas',//default class name 	}, 	wrapper:{ 		// any css settings 		class:'cuteScroll-wrapper',//default class name 	}, 	area:{// wrapper and canvas (scrollable element) will get these values if have no own 		// any css settings 		height:'20rem',// scrollable element height 		width:'100%',// scrollable element width 	}, 	mouse:{ 		pageScroll:true,// check if mousewheel should scroll the window if we reach top/bottom 		wheelStep:120,// scroll step for a wheel 	}, 	touch:{ 		moveFactor:1.1,// makes leaps faster (>1) or more slowly (<1) 		swipeStrengthFactor:1.25,// touch swipe strength coefficient 		swipeFadingFactor:0.075,// fading coefficient 		swipeVelocityThreshold:0.5,// touch movement velocity which is considered a swipe 		swipeDistanceThreshold:10,// touch movement distance to be considered a swipe 		swipeTimeAdjustmentThreshold:500,// recaltulates swipe parameters 		swipeIterationMinDistance:0.2,// min swipe iteration distance 		swipeIterationTimeout:5,// iteration timeout 	}, 	//element:{}, - you can change properties of every element you want 	on:{// listeners and related settings 		contentChange:false,// expects a function which is called on content change 		contentChangeShowScroller:true,// show scroller on content change if it is reasonable 	}, 	//priority:1,//defines overlapping priority, not supported for now }; };

How To Use

All confuguration commands should be included in a command object to be recognized, as simple as this:

jQuery(element).cuteScroll({ 	create:{// is the command object 		area:{ 			// any css settings 			width:'100vw', 			height:'100vh' 		}, 		element:{ 			body:{ 				// any css settings 				overflow:'hidden', 			} 		} 	} });


  • create:object - creates a scroller
  • recreate:object - recreates a scroller
  • update:object - updates settings
  • jumpToTop:boolean - jumps to the top of a scrollable div if TRUE
  • jumpToBottom:boolean - jumps to the bottom of a scrollable div if TRUE
  • log:string - logs some message via console
  • alert:string - alerts some message
  • remove:boolean - removes a scroller if TRUE

AddClass, removeClass

You can add or remove any class of a scroller element. All changes will be reversed on the remove command

jQuery(element).cuteScroll({ 	create:{// is the command object 		bar:{ 			// any css settings 			addClass:'newMyBarClass' 			removeClass:'formerMyBarClass' 		}, 		area:{ 			// any css settings 			width:'100vw', 			height:'100vh' 		}, 	} });

Editing Other Elements

You can also edit other elements properties by tag, class or id name or just change their css values. All changes will be reversed on the remove command

jQuery(element).cuteScroll({ 	update:{// is the command object 		'someTag':{ 			// any css settings 			background:'pink', 		}, 		'.someClass':{ 			// any css settings 			addClass:'newClass' 			removeClass:'formerClass' 		}, 		'#someId':{ 			// any css settings 			background:'blue', 		}, 	} });



Expects a function which will be called on a scrollable element content change

jQuery(element).cuteScroll({ 	create:{// is the command object 		on:{ 			contentChange:function(e){// e - is the scrollable element jQuery object 				e.cuteScroll({ 					update:{ 						jumpToTop:true 					} 				}) 			} 		} 	} });


Presentation of the index.html file

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