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vEllipsis is a lightweight yet highly customizable jQuery multi-line ellipsis plugin which automatically truncates text content based on a number of lines.

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jQuery ellipsis plugin

Based on: https://github.com/STAR-ZERO/jquery-ellipsis plugin


  • handles events
  • handles screen resize
  • no additional wrappers or styles needed
  • number of lines to show can be set using class (e.g. 'v-ellipsis-lines-4')
  • additional ending html element can be added individually for each element thorugh data property
  • lazy ellipsis - process only fields that are visible


Simply add:

<script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nulen/jquery.vEllipsis/master/jquery.vEllipsis.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> 	$( document ).ready(function() { 		$().vEllipsis(); 	}); </script> 

to your page for default settings and add class 'v-ellipsis' to your text container (element can't have fixed height);

You can also extend them by adding configuration (below configuration is the default one), e.g.:

$().vEllipsis({ 	'element': '.v-ellipsis',		// element identifier 	'lines' : 1				// show that many lines 	'onlyFullWords': false			// set to true to avoid cutting the text in the middle of a word 	'char' : '...'				// ellipsis 	'callback': function() {}		// callback function 	'responsive': false			// responsive to window resize 	'tolerance': 5				// optimal tolerance (best value is 5 based on tests) 	'delay': 300				// delay after resize 	'elementEvent': 'change'		// event to reEllipsise 	'additionalEnding': false,		// additional link after char (from data-link on element) 	'expandLink': false,			// expand link after char and additional link (from data-expandlink on element) 	'collapseLink': false,			// collapse link after char and additional link (from data-collapselink on element) 	'animationTime': '0',			// time for animations 	'linesClass': 'v-ellipsis-lines'	// class for changing number of lines }); 

Adding additional class with a name specified in 'linesClass' setting, e.g. 'v-ellipsis-lines-4', changes target lines for this element to 4. You can put any number you want.

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