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ggFeedbackMessages is a small yet highly customizable jQuery notification plugin that shows notification popups of various types (info, success, warning, danger) to end users.

Notification toast-message



jQuery plugin ggFeedbackMessages -developed by GGaritaJ: Gerardo Garita-

Plugin based on jquery to sends different types of feedback messages to the user (ex: warning, information, danger, success).


$("body").ggFeedbackMessage({     title: "Titulo de pruebas",// required     text: "Este es el contenido del mensaje.",// not required     type: "success",// info is default, success, warning, danger     delay: 0,// miliseconds     duration: 5000,// miliseconds     animationInDuration: 1000,// miliseconds     animationOutDuration: 700,// miliseconds     customClasses: "myClass",// css classes by message     redirect: [{// internal links of message             title: "website",// link title             url: "http://www.ggaritaj.com/",// link url to redirect             target: "_blank"// target attribute in a tag         },         {             title: "github",             url: "https://www.github.com/GGaritaJ/",             target: "_blank"         }],     objects: $("<input type='text' class='form-control' placeholder='type here...' />")// images, lists, inputs, video or jquery selector });

Online example: https://jsfiddle.net/GGaritaJ/0zsbL3vw/3/

More info: www.ggaritaj.com info@ggaritaj.com

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