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animatedHeadline is a jQuery plugin that makes it easier to rotate through a group of words/sentences/phrase within your text using CSS3 animations, transforms and transitions.



jQuery Animated Headlines

Animated headlines, with interchangeable words that replace one another through CSS transitions.



npm install jquery-animated-headlines


bower install jquery-animated-headlines

Default Usage

Include the css in your head.

<link rel="stylesheet" src="dist/css/jquery.animatedheadline.css">

Use the following markup.

<div class="selector">     <h1 class="ah-headline">         <span>My favorite food is</span>         <span class="ah-words-wrapper">             <b class="is-visible">pizza</b>             <b>sushi</b>             <b>steak</b>         </span>     </h1> </div>

Finally, initialize the plugin.

<script src="dist/js/jquery.animatedheadline.min.js"></script> <script>     $(function() {         $('.selector').animatedHeadline();     }) </script>

Advanced Usage

The plugin provides multiple options to customize the animation type and delay.

<script>     $(function() {         $('.selector').animatedHeadline({             animationType: 'type'         });     }) </script>


It is recommended to use the default delay options. Because of this, I won't list them below. See src/js/jquery.animatedheadline.js for a complete list of options.

Name Type Default Description
animation-type string 'rotate-1' Type of animation used. Options: 'rotate-1', 'rotate-2', 'rotate-3', 'type', 'loading-bar', 'slide', 'clip', 'zoom', 'scale', and 'push'


jQuery Animated Headlines is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

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