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Angular 2+ masonry grid component with CSS animations on scroll.

Animation Gallery Plugins



Angular 6+ masonry grid component with CSS animations on scroll.

npm version Dependency Status

Demo: https://ng-masonry-grid.stackblitz.io/

Note: If you want angular 5 ng-masonry-grid, use (ng-masonry-angular5) branch for the same.


First install Peer dependencies

$ npm install masonry-layout imagesloaded --save

To install ng-masonry-grid library, run:

$ npm install ng-masonry-grid --save

Consuming NgMasonryGridModule

You can import NgMasonryGridModule Module in any Angular application AppModule as shown below:

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';  import { AppComponent } from './app.component';  // Import NgMasonryGridModule import { NgMasonryGridModule } from 'ng-masonry-grid';  @NgModule({   declarations: [     AppComponent   ],   imports: [     BrowserModule,      // Specify NgMasonryGrid library as an import     NgMasonryGridModule   ],   providers: [],   bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }

Example usage

Once NgMasonryGridModule Module is imported, you can use its components and directives in your Angular application:

// In your Angular Component @Component({   selector: 'app-root',   template: `     <!-- You can now use ng-masonry-grid component in app.component.html -->     <!-- Masonry grid Container -->     <ng-masonry-grid                     [masonryOptions]="{ transitionDuration: '0.8s', gutter: 5 }"                      [useAnimation]="true"                     [useImagesLoaded]="true"                     [scrollAnimationOptions]="{ animationEffect: 'effect-4', minDuration : 0.4, maxDuration : 0.7 }">       <!-- Masonry Grid Item -->       <ng-masonry-grid-item id="{{'masonry-item-'+i}}" *ngFor="let item of masonryItems; let i = index;" (click)="removeItem($event)">          <!-- Grid Content  -->         <img src="some_image.jpg" alt="No image" />       </ng-masonry-grid-item>     </ng-masonry-grid>   `,   styleUrls: ['Path_to/node_modules/ng-masonry-grid/ng-masonry-grid.css'] // point to ng-masonry-grid CSS file (required) })

Note: 'id' on ng-masonry-grid-item is required for removeItem, removeAllItems functionality

Ng Masonry Grid Options

scrollAnimationOptions = {   /* animation effect class will added on ng-masonry-grid-item on scroll, you can choose animation effect class from the predefined list:       ["effect-1","effect-2","effect-3","effect-4","effect-5","effect-6","effect-7","effect-8"] or else you can add your own custom class as you wish */   animationEffect: 'effect-1', // String: (default: 'effect-1')   // Integer: Minimum and a maximum duration of the animation    minDuration : 0,   maxDuration : 0,   // The viewportFactor defines how much of the appearing item has to be visible in order to trigger the animation   // if we'd use a value of 0, this would mean that it would add the animation class as soon as the item is in the viewport.   // If we were to use the value of 1, the animation would only be triggered when we see all of the item in the viewport (100% of it)   viewportFactor : 0 }  // or  useAnimation = true;  // true/false  default: true,  default animation options will be applied if you do not provide scrollAnimationOptions  masonryOptions = {    addStatus: 'append', // default: 'append', values from: ['append', 'prepend', 'add'], set status of adding grid items to Masonry    transitionDuration: '0.4s', // Duration of the transition when items change position or appearance, set in a CSS time format. Default: transitionDuration: '0.4s'    ...    // More masonry options available in (http://masonry.desandro.com/options.html) }   // Unloaded images can throw off Masonry layouts and cause item elements to overlap. imagesLoaded plugin resolves this issue.   useImagesLoaded = "true"; // default: false, use true incase if of any images to be loaded in grid items 

More masonry options available in Masonry options by David DeSandro

Masonry Events

layoutComplete: EventEmitter<any[]>

Triggered after a layout and all positioning transitions have completed.

removeComplete: EventEmitter<any[]>

Triggered after an ng-masonry-grid-item element has been removed.

onNgMasonryInit: EventEmitter<Masonry>

Get an instance of Masonry after intialization, so that you can use all Masonry Methods such as layout(), reloadItems() etc.


<ng-masonry-grid     (onNgMasonryInit)="onNgMasonryInit($event)"     (layoutComplete)="layoutComplete($event)"      (removeComplete)="removeGridItem($event)">     <ng-masonry-grid-item          id="{{'masonry-item-'+i}}"          *ngFor="let item of masonryItems; let i = index;"          (click)="removeItem($event)">     </ng-masonry-grid-item> </ng-masonry-grid>

Ng Masonry Grid Methods

import { Masonry, MasonryGridItem } from 'ng-masonry-grid'; // import necessary datatypes  _masonry: Masonry; masonryItems: any[]; // NgMasonryGrid Grid item list  // Get ng masonry grid instance first onNgMasonryInit($event: Masonry) {   this._masonry = $event; }  // Append items to NgMasonryGrid appendItems() {   if (this._masonry) { // Check if Masonry instance exists     this._masonry.setAddStatus('append'); // set status to 'append'     this.masonryItems.push(...items); // some grid items: items   } }  // Prepend grid items to NgMasonryGrid prependItems() {   if (this._masonry) {     // set status to 'prepend' before adding items to NgMasonryGrid otherwise default: 'append' will applied     this._masonry.setAddStatus('prepend');     this.masonryItems.splice(0, 0, ...items);   } }  // Add items to NgMasonryGrid addItems() {     if (this._masonry) {     this._masonry.setAddStatus('add'); // set status to 'add'     this.masonryItems.push(...items);   } }  // Remove selected item from NgMasonryGrid, For example, (click)="removeItem($event)" event binding on grid item // Note: 'id' on ng-masonry-grid is required to remove actual item from the list removeItem($event: any) {   if (this._masonry) {     this._masonry.removeItem($event.currentTarget)  // removeItem() expects actual DOM (ng-masonry-grid-item element)         .subscribe((item: MasonryGridItem) => { // item: removed grid item DOM from NgMasonryGrid           if (item) {             let id = item.element.getAttribute('id'); // Get id attribute and then find index              let index = id.split('-')[2];             // remove grid item from Masonry binding using index (because actual Masonry items order is different from this.masonryItems items)              this.masonryItems.splice(index, 1);            }         });   } }  // Remove first item from NgMasonryGrid removeFirstItem() {   if (this._masonry) {     this._masonry.removeFirstItem()         .subscribe( (item: MasonryGridItem) => {           if (item) {             let id = item.element.getAttribute('id');             let index = id.split('-')[2];             this.masonryItems.splice(index, 1);           }         });   } }  // Remove all items from NgMasonryGrid removeAllItems() {   if (this._masonry) {     this._masonry.removeAllItems()         .subscribe( (items: MasonryGridItem) => {             // remove all items from the list             this.masonryItems = [];         });   } }  // reorder items to original position // Note: Add masonry option:- horizontalOrder: true reorderItems() {   if (this._masonry) {       this._masonry.reOrderItems();   } } 


To generate all *.js, *.d.ts and *.metadata.json files:

$ npm run build

To run demo...

  1. From the ng-masonry-grid/dist directory, create a symlink in the global node_modules directory to the dist directory of ng-masonry-grid:
$ cd dist $ npm link
  1. Navigate to ng-masonry-grid/playground directory:
$ cd playground $ npm link ng-masonry-grid
  1. Now run the demo (from ng-masonry-grid) directory:
$ npm run demo


This ng-masonry-grid component is created based on Masonry Layout by David DeSandro


MIT © Shailendra Kumar

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