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Transit is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to do smooth CSS transforms and transitions in jQuery.

transforms easing transitions


jQuery Transit

Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery

jQuery Transit is a plugin for to help you do CSS transformations and transitions in jQuery.

Refer to the jQuery Transit website for examples.


Just include jquery.transit.js after jQuery. Requires jQuery 1.4+.

<script src='jquery.js'></script> <script src='jquery.transit.js'></script>

It is also available via bower and npm.

$ bower install --save jquery.transit $ npm install --save jquery.transit 


You can set transformations as you would any CSS property in jQuery. (Note that you cannot $.fn.animate() them, only set them.)

$("#box").css({ x: '30px' });               // Move right $("#box").css({ y: '60px' });               // Move down $("#box").css({ translate: [60,30] });      // Move right and down $("#box").css({ rotate: '30deg' });         // Rotate clockwise $("#box").css({ scale: 2 });                // Scale up 2x (200%) $("#box").css({ scale: [2, 1.5] });         // Scale horiz and vertical $("#box").css({ skewX: '30deg' });          // Skew horizontally $("#box").css({ skewY: '30deg' });          // Skew vertical $("#box").css({ perspective: 100, rotateX: 30 }); // Webkit 3d rotation $("#box").css({ rotateY: 30 }); $("#box").css({ rotate3d: [1, 1, 0, 45] });

Relative values are supported.

$("#box").css({ rotate: '+=30' });          // 30 degrees more $("#box").css({ rotate: '-=30' });          // 30 degrees less

All units are optional.

$("#box").css({ x: '30px' }); $("#box").css({ x: 30 });

Multiple arguments can be commas or an array.

$("#box").css({ translate: [60,30] }); $("#box").css({ translate: ['60px','30px'] }); $("#box").css({ translate: '60px,30px' });

Getters are supported. (Getting properties with multiple arguments returns arrays.)

$("#box").css('rotate');     //=> "30deg" $("#box").css('translate');  //=> ['60px', '30px']

Animating - $.fn.transition

$('...').transition(options, [duration], [easing], [complete]) 

You can animate with CSS3 transitions using $.fn.transition(). It works exactly like $.fn.animate(), except it uses CSS3 transitions.

$("#box").transition({ opacity: 0.1, scale: 0.3 }); $("#box").transition({ opacity: 0.1, scale: 0.3 }, 500);                         // duration $("#box").transition({ opacity: 0.1, scale: 0.3 }, 'fast');                      // easing $("#box").transition({ opacity: 0.1, scale: 0.3 }, 500, 'in');                   // duration+easing $("#box").transition({ opacity: 0.1, scale: 0.3 }, function() {..});             // callback $("#box").transition({ opacity: 0.1, scale: 0.3 }, 500, 'in', function() {..});  // everything

You can also pass duration and easing and complete as values in options, just like in $.fn.animate().

$("#box").transition({   opacity: 0.1, scale: 0.3,   duration: 500,   easing: 'in',   complete: function() { /* ... */ } });


Transit has a unique test suite. Open test/index.html to see it. When contibuting fixes, be sure to test this out with different jQuery versions and different browsers.


Velocity.js (recommended!)

  • Pros: optimized for situations with hundreds of simultaneous transitions. Lots of extra features.


  • Pros: no jQuery dependency, great syntax.
  • Cons (at time of writing): no iOS support (doesn't use translate3d), some IE bugs, no 3D transforms, no animation queue.

jQuery animate enhanced

  • Pros: transparently overrides $.fn.animate() to provide CSS transitions support.
  • Cons: transparently overrides $.fn.animate(). No transformations support.

jQuery 2D transformations

  • Pros: Tons of transformations.
  • Cons: No CSS transition support; animates via fx.step.

jQuery CSS3 rotate

  • Pros: simply provides rotation.
  • Cons: simply provides rotation. No transitions support.


Bugs and requests: submit them through the project's issues tracker.

Questions: ask them at StackOverflow with the tag jquery-transit.

Chat: join us at gitter.im.
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jQuery Transit © 2011-2014+, Rico Sta. Cruz. Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Rico Sta. Cruz with help from contributors.

ricostacruz.com  ·  GitHub @rstacruz  ·  Twitter @rstacruz

npm version

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