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Bullseye is a simple jQuery plugin to add blinking markers to an image that displays the associated notes in the animated tooltips when hovered over.

image-note image-marker


Bullseye jQuery Plugin



The concept is based on Panic’s implementation of these ‘bullseyes’ on their Transmit Product Page. See the concept in action there.


Download de plugin JS en CSS. Zet deze neer waar je wilt en include ze op de pagina waar je ze wilt gebruiken. Let op: Voordat je bullseye aanroept, moet je jQuery aanroepen.


Property: value Explanation
top: n Where n is a number. Determines bullseye position from top.
right: n Where n is a number. Determines bullseye position from the right.
bottom: n Where n is a number. Determines bullseye position from the bottom.
left: n Where n is a number. Determines dot position from the left.
heading: "Hello World" Determines heading content in tooltip.
content: "This is content" Determines paragraph content in tooltip.
orientation: "top" Determines tooltip orientation. Default value is "top", also accepts "left", "right" and "bottom”.
color: "#ee2200" Determines dot and dot animation color. Accepts any valid HEX value and reverts to default if HEX value is invalid.


$(‘.yourElement’).bullseye({ 	top: 10, 	right: 0, 	heading: "Hello", 	content: "World" }); 

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