jQuery auto-translate is jQuery plugin for translating form fields and text blocks via translation providers like Google and Yandex.
Cool jQuery Slider Plugin with CSS3 Animations - Wiper
Simple 3D Flipping Cube Slideshow with jQuery and CSS3 - BoxRoll Slider
Touch-enabled jQuery Timeline Plugin with 3D Flipping Effects - Timecube
Simple Clean jQuery & CSS3 Carousel Slider Plugin - CSS Slider
Super Simple Text Rotator with jQuery and CSS3
Hexagon Right Click Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - Radial Menu
Responsive Image Slideshow with jQuery and CSS3 - RadioShow2
jQuery Cover Flow-Like List Animation Plugin - skywheel
jQuery Plugin For Diagonal Grid Layout - nnmgrid
jQuery Plugin To Flip Html Elements with CSS3 - Flip
jQuery & CSS3 Carousel Plugin with Content Flipping Effects - Flip Carousel
Create Full Page Animated Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
Smooth Accordion Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 Transforms
Creating An Accordion Style FAQ System with jQuery and CSS3
Google+ App Like Pullup Effect with jQuery and CSS3
jQuery Funciton To Zoom Any Element Using CSS3 - ZoomElem
Easy Animated Tooltip Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 Transforms
Creating A Pretty Pantone Clock with jQuery and CSS3
Simple Clean jQuery Modal Plugin with CSS3 Animations
Creating A TV Shutdown Effect with CSS3 Transitions and Transforms
jQuery Plugin For CSS3 Transforms and Transitions - Transit
Animated Text Input With jQuery and CSS3 Transforms
Create Custom Rotate Animations with jQuery and CSS3
Simple jQuery Carousel Plugin With 3D Rotating Effects - Carousel 3D
Smooth Animated Numbers with Javascript and CSS3 - odometer
Perfect signin dropdown box likes Twitter with jQuery
jQuery Mega Select List with Demo
Animated Form Switching with jQuery
jQuery UniqueField plugin with Demo
Contactable – A jQuery Plugin with Demo
Fancy jQuery Sliding Form with Demo
Client Testimonials Powered by PHP, XML and jQuery with Demo
Autotab: jQuery auto-tabbing and filter plugin
How To Create a Cute Popup Bar With HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery
Dynamically adding form inputs and submit using jQuery
ToggleSlide jQuery Select box
Uniform good looking forms with jQuery
How to Build Cross-Browser HTML5 Forms with jQuery
jQuery Form Wizard Plugin
jQuery Form Framework – jFormer
icSelectionBox Select Box – JQuery Plugin
A Simple and Effective jQuery Dropdown Login Form
Real-Time Form Validation – jQuery
Create Microsoft Office Minibar with jQuery and CSS3
jQuery File Upload Plugin With Drag ‘n’ Drop Support
How to Enhance Forms Using jQuery UI
Zurb jQuery Ajax Upload
jQuery Form Cloning “SheepIt” Plugin
How to Create A Multi-Step Signup Form With CSS3 and jQuery
How to Make a Slick Ajax Contact Form with jQuery and PHP
jQuery Advanced Ajax validation with CAPTCHA
Reveal extra form fields using a select box with jQuery
inlinemultiselect jQuery plugin
bValidator a jQuery validation plug-in
jQuery UI MultiSelect Widget
SmokeScreen – Create Informative Textboxes
Ajax AutoComplete for jQuery
Generating Files with jQuery
jQuery draggable captcha
eComboBox a jQuery editable ComboBoxes
Dynatree a jQuery Plugin
Multiselect2side – Select multiple double side jQuery Plugin
jQuery Cool Auto Suggest
jQuery “Form Highlight” plugin
MotionCAPTCHA – jQuery Captcha plugin
Post Pic How To Style select menu in HTML using jquery
jQuery EasyUI framework
Chosen a jQuery Select box plugin
jQuery credit card validation plugin : Smart Validate
Hover to Reveal Masked Password with jQuery