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This is a component for Vue.js to utilize YouTube iframe API easily.

Audio _Video


Vue YouTube Embed

This is a component for Vue.js to utilize YouTube iframe API easily. This is based on Angular YouTube Embed


MIT License


<script src="vue-youtube-embed.umd.js"></script> <script> Vue.use(VueYouTubeEmbed) </script>


// NPM npm i -S vue-youtube-embed  // or with Yarn yarn add vue-youtube-embed
import Vue from 'vue' import VueYouTubeEmbed from 'vue-youtube-embed' Vue.use(VueYouTubeEmbed) // if you don't want install the component globally Vue.use(VueYouTubeEmbed, { global: false }) // if you want to install the component globally with a different name Vue.use(VueYouTubeEmbed, { global: true, componentId: "youtube-media" })


Please pass the ID of the video that you'd like to show.

<youtube :video-id="videoId"></youtube>  <!-- or with a custom component identifier --> <youtube-media :video-id="videoId"></youtube-media>


These are available props.

  • player-width: String or Number, default value is 640
  • player-height: String or Number, default value is 360
  • player-vars: Object, default value is {start: 0, autoplay: 0} Can also specify rel.
  • video-id: String, required
  • mute: Boolean default value is false
  • host: String default value is https://www.youtube.com. Can be set to https://www.youtube-nocookie.com as well.


These functions are the same as the original one.

  • getIdFromURL
  • getTimeFromURL
import { getIdFromURL, getTimeFromURL } from 'vue-youtube-embed' let videoId = getIdFromURL(url) let startTime = getTimeFromURL(url)


export default {   methods: {     method (url) {       this.videoId = this.$youtube.getIdFromURL(url)       this.startTime = this.$youtube.getTimeFromURL(url)     }   } }


These are the events that will be emitted by the component.

  • ready
  • ended
  • playing
  • paused
  • buffering
  • qued
  • error

The first argument contains the instance of YT.Player at the parameter target.

The way of start playing video automatically

<youtube :player-vars="{ autoplay: 1 }"></youtube>

Example on vue-play

// yarn or npm yarn install yarn run play

Example code

<div id="#app">   <section>     <h2>listening events</h2>     <youtube :video-id="videoId" @ready="ready" @playing="playing"></youtube>   </section>   <section>     <h2>add options</h2>     <youtube :video-id="videoId" player-width="1280" player-height="750" :player-vars="{autoplay: 1}"></youtube>   </section> </div>
'use strict' import Vue from 'vue' import VueYouTubeEmbed from 'vue-youtube-embed'  Vue.use(VueYouTubeEmbed)  const app = new Vue({   el: '#app',   data: {     videoId: 'videoId',   },   methods: {     ready (event) {       this.player = event.target     },     playing (event) {       // The player is playing a video.     },     change () {       // when you change the value, the player will also change.       // If you would like to change `playerVars`, please change it before you change `videoId`.       // If `playerVars.autoplay` is 1, `loadVideoById` will be called.       // If `playerVars.autoplay` is 0, `cueVideoById` will be called.       this.videoId = 'another video id'     },     stop () {       this.player.stopVideo()     },     pause () {       this.player.pauseVideo()     }   } })

Usage with Nuxt SSR

To get this component working with Nuxt, wrap it in Nuxt's no-ssr component.


contribution welcome!

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