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Timelinr is a simple jQuery Timeline Plugin that makes it easy to create awesome timeline effects for your website.



jQuery Timelinr

Dando vida al tiempo / Giving life to time

This simple plugin helps you to give more life to the boring timelines. Supports horizontal and vertical layouts, and you can specify parameters for most attributes: speed, transparency, etc...

More info and demos: http://www.csslab.cl/2011/08/18/jquery-timelinr/

jQuery Timelinr


Include the jQuery library and this plugin:

<script src="js/jquery-1.x.x.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.timelinr-x.x.x.js"></script>

Inicialize-it with the default parameters:

$(function(){ 	$().timelinr(); });

Or configure it as preferred:

$(function(){ 	$().timelinr({ 		orientation: 'horizontal', 		// value: horizontal | vertical, default to horizontal 		containerDiv: '#timeline', 		// value: any HTML tag or #id, default to #timeline 		datesDiv: '#dates', 		// value: any HTML tag or #id, default to #dates 		datesSelectedClass: 'selected', 		// value: any class, default to selected 		datesSpeed: 'normal', 		// value: integer between 100 and 1000 (recommended) or 'slow', 'normal' or 'fast'; default to normal 		issuesDiv : '#issues', 		// value: any HTML tag or #id, default to #issues 		issuesSelectedClass: 'selected', 		// value: any class, default to selected 		issuesSpeed: 'fast', 		// value: integer between 100 and 1000 (recommended) or 'slow', 'normal' or 'fast'; default to fast 		issuesTransparency: 0.2, 		// value: integer between 0 and 1 (recommended), default to 0.2 		issuesTransparencySpeed: 500, 		// value: integer between 100 and 1000 (recommended), default to 500 (normal) 		prevButton: '#prev', 		// value: any HTML tag or #id, default to #prev 		nextButton: '#next', 		// value: any HTML tag or #id, default to #next 		arrowKeys: 'false', 		// value: true/false, default to false 		startAt: 1, 		// value: integer, default to 1 (first) 		autoPlay: 'false', 		// value: true | false, default to false 		autoPlayDirection: 'forward', 		// value: forward | backward, default to forward 		autoPlayPause: 2000 		// value: integer (1000 = 1 seg), default to 2000 (2segs)<  	}); });

HTML markup must be as follows:

<div id="timeline">    <ul id="dates">       <li><a href="#">date1</a></li>       <li><a href="#">date2</a></li>    </ul>    <ul id="issues">       <li id="date1">          <p>Lorem ipsum.</p>       </li>       <li id="date2">          <p>Lorem ipsum.</p>       </li>    </ul>    <a href="#" id="next">+</a> <!-- optional -->    <a href="#" id="prev">-</a> <!-- optional --> </div>

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