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JST Timeline is a small, dynamic, draggable jQuery timeline plugin which arranges events with dates and custom icons in a straight line.



JST timeline

A smooth timeline
Live Demo


  1. Add the librarys used
  • moment@2.24.0
  • jquery@3.4.0
<script   type="text/javascript"   src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.0.min.js" ></script> <script   type="text/javascript"   src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/moment@2.24.0/moment.min.js" ></script>
  1. Import the js and the style cdn
<link   rel="stylesheet"   href="https://unpkg.com/@justa/jst-timeline@1.0.34/jst-timeline.css" /> <script   type="text/javascript"   src="https://unpkg.com/@justa/jst-timeline@1.0.34/jst-timeline.js" ></script>
  1. Now you can simply use calling:


const data = [   { label: "Em estoque (Recife)", date: "10-04-1995", iconId: 0 },   { label: "Em estoque (Alpha)", date: "16-04-1995", iconId: 0 },   { label: "Em manutenção", date: "13-04-1995", iconId: 1 },   { label: "Em operação no cliente", date: "20-04-1995", iconId: 2 },   { label: "Entregue ao justo", date: "27-04-1995", iconId: 3 },   { label: "Em manutenção", date: "30-04-1995", iconId: 1 },   { label: "Removido", date: "11-04-1995", iconId: 4 } ];  const options = {   showEmptyDates: false,   iconClasses: {     0: "fas fa-layer-group",     1: "fas fa-wrench",     2: "fas fa-user-plus",     3: "far fa-paper-plane",     4: "fas fa-user-minus"   } };  $("#timeline").loadTimeline(data, options);


<div id="timeline"></div>


You don't need to destroy the timeline. it's already done in loadTimeline function

const data2 = [   { label: "Em estoque (Recife)", date: "10-04-1995", iconId: 0 },   { label: "Em estoque (Alpha)", date: "16-04-1995", iconId: 0 },   { label: "Removido", date: "11-04-1995", iconId: 1 } ];  const options2 = {   showEmptyDates: true,   iconClasses: {     0: "fas fa-layer-group",     1: "fas fa-user-minus"   } };  $("#timeline").loadTimeline(data2, options2);

Wanna go to a specific date? No problem!

  • This date has to be loaded
  • The date that's searched is the formated date on screen

Wanna add an event? Sure!

Just use jquery events

$("#timeline")   .find(".data")   .click(e => {     console.log(e);   }); // Multiple events $("#timeline")   .find(".data")   .on({     mouseover: e => {       console.log(e);     },     click: e => {       console.log(e);     }   });

Finish events when it won't be used

It's always a good practice to finish the events when it'll not be used anymore

// Just call $("#timeline").turnOffEvents();

Destroying the timeline


jquery functions

Name Description Parameters
loadTimeline Loads the timeline data, options
GoToDate scroll to a date string
destroyTimeline Destroys the timeline
turnoffEvents Turnoff timeline jquery events


key Description Required Type
label The inner text yes string
date The date yes string (format: 'DD/MM/YYYY')
id An id for the field no string
iconId Links icon to the key of iconClasses no string
iconClass A class of an icon for this day no string
customClass A class for this day no string


  • The class passed will be the box icon
  • If there's an iconClass in the box, the iconClass will be prioritized over the iconClasses


key Description Required Type Default value
iconClasses The classes of icons no string null
momentFormat Date format for moment no string 'DD/MM/YYYY'
dataShowFormat Format on screen no string 'DD/MM/YYYY'
showEmptyDates Shows dates without data no boolean false
reverse Reverses dates on screen no boolean false


  • The key will apply the icon to the iconId's that equals
  • If there's an iconClass in the box, the iconClass will be prioritized


To show an icon, it's simple!

Just import an icon library (like fontawesome) and the iconClass or one of the iconClasses that you set will be put in the class property to show the icon!

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