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ZoomMarker is a simple jQuery plugin which enables you to zoom in/out images with mouse wheel and to place custom markers on the images as per your needs.

image-marker image-zoom Annotation



Internationalization, the main branch description document is adjusted to English, Chinese branch please click here

A jQuery plugin for image zoom in and out, customize tags and canvas are also supported.
You can zoom and drag image by using this plugin. What you have to do is just import this plugin to your project.
Feedback is welcome for any suggestions.


Click Here for an example with basic usages.
Click Here for an example with different region views. They can show images without disturbing each other.

Image text Image text


version date detail
0.1.6 2019.6.23 fix image zoom lock
0.1.5 2019.4.9 reset function for position and size
0.1.4 2019.4.1 lock function for image dragging
0.1.3 2019.4.1 fix problems performing on mobile ChromeV8 engine
0.1.2 2019.2.21 tag draggable switch function
0.1.1 2019.2.21 zoom lock
0.1.0 2019.2.13 CANVAS is supported
0.0.11 2019.2.7 message block on multi-layer situation
0.0.10 2018.11.6 fix the order problem of images and tags on multi-layer situation
0.0.9 2018.11.5 fix the problem of size changing after image zoom operations
0.0.8 2018.9.25 support multi-image
0.0.7 2018.9.25 append draggable switch function
0.0.6 2018.7.24 fix the problem of deprecated context interface in jQuery
0.0.5 2017.11.13 append center align function, fix the initialization problem
0.0.4 2017.11.11 fix the ratio problem
0.0.3 2017.11.8 API optimization
0.0.2 2017.11.3 import Hammer.js to handle mouse operations
0.0.1 2017.10.25 first version


name min-version detail
jQuery 3.3.1 DOM framework with JavaScript
jquery.mousewheel 1.6 jQuery plugin for mouse wheel
Hammer.js 2.0.4 multi touch plugin
EasyLoading.js 0.1.0 (optional) loading animation plugin

I use an other plugin written by myself in the above sample: EasyLoading
This plugin should also using jQuery.
If you are interesting with EasyLoading, please add a little star.


1. Quick start

Import JavaScript and CSS files of ZoomMarker.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/zoom-marker.css"> <script src="js/zoom-marker.js"></script> 

Import 3rd libraries.

<script src="js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.mousewheel.min.js"></script> <script src="js/hammer.min.js"></script> 

The example above has used loading animation, so I also import an other plugin named EasyLoading. It can be used independently so importing is unnecessary if you do not need loading at all.
Import this loading animation plugin:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/easy-loading.css"> <script src="js/easy-loading.js"></script> 

Add the necessary html tags, ATTENTION!! img tag SHOULD has a unique id attribute for its own

<div id="zoom-marker-div" class="zoom-marker-div">     <img class="zoom-marker-img" id="zoom-marker-img" alt="..." name="viewArea"  draggable="false"/> </div> 

Triggering initialization function in ready()

$(document).ready(function () {     $('#zoom-marker-img').zoomMarker({         src: "img/mountain.jpg",         rate: 0.2,         width: 600,         max: 3000,         markers:[             {src:"img/marker.svg", x:500, y:500}             ]     }); }) 

As we can see, moutain.jpg is a sample image file that shown in this example, and marker.svg should be also placed in img/ folder as marker resource, these two files has already placed in their position.
Now you can see what ZoomMarker looks like. Just drag and zoom the image, click to add some tags above image.

Image text

2. Drawing with Canvas

I have placed a transparent layer above an image with same size to support canvas drawing.
To using Canvas drawing function, you should set up enable_canvas parameter to true in initialization method.

$('#zoom-marker-img').zoomMarker({     src: "img/mountain.jpg",     rate: 0.2,     width: 400,     max: 3000,     markers:[         {src:"img/marker.svg", x:200, y:200}     ],     enable_canvas: true }); 

The Canvas layer is same size to the real pixel size of image.
In the example below, I wrote a line start from [100, 100] to the position of mouse clicking.

item.on("zoom_marker_mouse_click", function(event, position){     // draw a line     const context = item.zoomMarker_Canvas();     if(context !== null) {         context.strokeStyle = 'red';         context.moveTo(position.x, position.y);         context.lineTo(100,100);         context.stroke();     } }); 


The parameters below are supported in initialization method.

param function default
rate zoom speed ratio 0.2
src image resource null
width loading width of image 500
min minimum width of image 300
max maximum width of image null
markers parameter arrays for markers []
marker_size default pixel size of marker 20
enable_drag draggable or not true
auto_index_z config layer order automatically true
enable_canvas enable Canvas layer false
zoom_lock image can not be zoomed with center align false
move_limit image can not be dragged out of the region of its parent false


Value 0.2 default.
The floating point parameter determines the rate at which the image is scrolled and enlarged. The larger the value, the faster the image is zoomed, the range {0, 1}.


null for default, will not load image.
Defining the path of image for loading.


Used to configure the width of the image after loading, please do not use relative width positioning such as 100%, which will affect ZoomMarker works.
If you want to make the image as width as its with parent, using jQuery method to get the width of its parent, or directly get the width of the "zoom-marker-div" tag, such as:

$("#zoom-marker-img").parent().width(); $("#zoom-marker-div").width(); 


Limit the minimum width of the image zoom, the default minimum width is 300px.


Limit the maximum width of the image zoom, no restrictions by default.


Recorded the parameters of the marked point, including the following parameters:

{     src: "img/marker.png",   // (required) path for image loaded     x: 500,                  // (required) X axis of marker     y: 500,                  // (required) Y axis of marker     click: function(object){         // feed back function after click event happened, object is the jQuery instance of marker     } } 


The point size can only be square. You can configure the size of the point by this parameter.
You can also configure the size of a single point by parameter in the "zoomMarker_AddMarker" add point method.


Draggable function is enabled for this image or not.


Automatic management of image and point level information, automatically pin the current image and marker points when clicking and dragging.


Add Canvas drawing layer, as it may affect performance so turned off by default.


Zoom lock, turn on the point in the picture as the zoom midpoint, off by default.
In the off state, use the mouse or two-finger zoom center to zoom in or out as the midpoint of the picture.


Drag the seam and open it to only drag the image inside the parent container.


ZoomMarker's methods all start with "zoomMarker_" and can be called directly on your image tag jQuery object using the jQuery plugin method, such as clearing all the mark points:

name function
zoomMarker_LoadImage(src) load image
zoomMarker_Zoom(center, scale) zoom image
zoomMarker_Move(x, y) change the position of image
zoomMarker_AddMarker(marker) add a customized mark
zoomMarker_RemoveMarker(markerId) delete mark
zoomMarker_CleanMarker() clean up marks
zoomMarker_GetPicSize() get the real size of image
zoomMarker_EnableDrag(enable) enable draggable or not
zoomMarker_TopIndexZ() move image and tags to the top layer
zoomMarker_Canvas() get the context of Canvas layer
zoomMarker_CanvasClean() clean up Canvas layer
zoomMarker_ResetImage() reset the position and size of image


For image loading, src is the URL or local path of image file.

param function
src URL or local path of image resource

zoomMarker_Zoom(center, scale)

Zoom the image.

param function
center zoom midpoint, the absolute position of document
scale zoom ratio, float, such as 1.5 to zoom to 1.5 times the original image size

zoomMarker_Move(x, y)

Move the picture position, Cartesian coordinate system, the coordinates of the upper left corner are (0, 0).

param function
x target ordinate in the upper left corner of the image
y target abscissa in the upper left corner of the image


Add a marker point and return the relevant parameters of the added marker point. The configuration parameters of the marker are shown in the following table.
The "x" and "y" parameters in the configuration are the coordinate positions of the marker points in the image.

param function detault required
x The X coordinate of the marker in the image null Y
y The Y coordinate of the marker in the image null Y
src Point Icon Resources null Y
size Point icon size 20 N
dialog hover dialog null N
hint Point inside content null N
click Tag Click Callback null N
draggable Point Draggable Switch null Y
(1) dialog
param function detault required
value Dialog content "" N
style CSS style {} N
offsetX Dialog X coordinate offset 0 N
offsetY Dialog Y coordinate offset 0 N
(2) hint
param function detault required
value Point Content "" N
style CSS style {} N
(3) return object parameters
param function
id Point ID
marker jQuery object for point
param User passed in point configuration parameters


Delete the marker point, pass in the marker point ID, and the ID can be obtained from the "id" item in the structure returned by "zoomMarker_AddMarker(marker)".


Clear all points.


Get the actual size of the loaded image, only return the correct image size when the image is loaded.

return function returns an object
param function
width Image Width
height image height


Set whether to allow image dragging or not.


The image has a hierarchical relationship with the corresponding marker points, and the current image and marker point levels are topped by this method.


The enable_canvas parameter needs to be set to true when the image is initialized.
Get the context context of the Canvas and draw the image on the image through the Canvas drawing method.
It should be noted that the drawing coordinates are based on the resolution of the image.


Empty the drawing data of the Canvas.


Reset image size and position, including marker and canvas information.


Listen for events sent by ZoomMarker via "on" or "bind".

// monitor image resource loading end message, update UI resource $('#zoom-marker-img').on("zoom_marker_img_loaded", function(event, size){     console.log("image has been loaded with size: "+JSON.stringify(size));     /** UI should be updated **/     ... }); 
name function param detail
zoom_marker_img_load Image Loading src Image Resource Path or URL
zoom_marker_img_loaded Image has been loaded size Image Size
zoom_marker_click Point Click markerObj Point Object
zoom_marker_mouse_click Image Click mouseObj Image Click Object


param function
width Image Width
height image height


param function
id Point ID
marker jQuery object for point
param User passed in point configuration parameters


param function
pageX Click the X coordinate of the position in the document
pageY Click on the Y coordinate of the document in the document
x Click the X coordinate of the position in the image coordinates
y Click the Y coordinate of the position in the image coordinates

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