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A jQuery plugin that uses canvas to create a ‘screen print’ offset effect on an image, by altering the pixel data.

Image Effects Plugins



Make Like Print - A jQuery plugin that uses canvas to create a 'screen print' offset effect on an image, by altering the pixel data.

Plugin Site


$('.container').offreg( 	source, 	transparent, 	rotation, 	offset );

config options:

Option data type values Required Nb.
source string 'img/image.jpg' Yes any img type
transparent boolean true / false Yes preserves transparency, but creates a 'heavier' png
rotation float 0.0 -> 1.0 Yes rotation offset strength
offset float 0.0 -> 1.0 No x/y axis offset strength

usage example

```javascript $('.container').offreg(img,true,0.7); ```

Nb. Renders poorly in Chrome. But all good in other modern browsers.

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