Now you can preload your HTML 5 page with this nice plug in, passing data via JSON. You can customize it changing colors and style. It can preload video, audio, images and js
jQuery Sorting Plugin with Native HTML5 Drag and Drop - draganddrop
jQuery Plugin To Draw Shapes with Html5 Canvas Element - drawingshapes
Accessible and Customizable jQuery HTML5 Media Player - Acorn Media Player
Creating An Animated DNA Double Helix with jQuery and Canvas
HTML5 Placeholder For All Browsers With jQuery - placeholder
Simpe Mobile Signature Pad with jQuery and Html5 Canvas
Simple and Clean jQuery Tooltip Plugin - tips.js
jQuery Plugin For Enhancing The Standard Html Search Input - Search Input
Clean & Flexible Tooltip Plugin For jQuery - Tooltipster
Pixelating An Image Using jQuery Pixelate Plugin
Flexible Customizable Tooltip Plugin - jq-tooltip
Smooth Signature Pad Plugin with jQuery and Html5 Canvas
Attractive Plotting Plugin with jQuery - Flot
How to Make Auto-Advancing Slideshows with jQuery & HTML5
How To Create a Cute Popup Bar With HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery
Gradient text jQuery plugin
How to Build Cross-Browser HTML5 Forms with jQuery
OIPlayer jQuery plugin
Subway Map Visualization jQuery Plugin
Shutter Effect Portfolio with jQuery and Canvas
jQuery File Upload Plugin With Drag ānā Drop Support
Create a Posticks (Sticky Notes) app with HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery
How to Create a Drop-down Nav Menu with HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery
How to Add Audio and Video on your Website using jPlayer plugin (jQuery)
HTML5 Grayscale Image Hover with jQuery
BeautyTips a jQuery tooltips plugin
Creating a CSS3 Generator with CSS3, HTML5 and jQuery
A Snazzy Animated Pie Chart with HTML5 and jQuery
Open Standard Media (OSM) Player in jQuery
Create A Multiple URL Shortener Page
Geo Location with HTML5 and Jquery
Open Source HTML5 Audio Player: Boombox.js
TagCanvas – jQuery Animated Tag Cloud
Fullscreen Slideshow with HTML5 Audio and jQuery
MotionCAPTCHA ā jQuery Captcha plugin
Making a Beautiful HTML5 & jQuery Portfolio
jQuery HTML5 Music Player
Developing a jQuery Private Messaging Modal Box
Tipped a beautiful jQuery HTML5 tooltips plugin
Create An Animated Bar Graph With HTML, CSS And jQuery
jquery.videoBG ā Make an HTML5 video a background
HTML5 & CSS3 Powered Slideshows ā Slider.js
jQuery Html5 Canvas Preloader
Cuepoint JS a jQuery plugin for HTML5 video subtitle
jQuery Widgets unique library for jQuery UI Development
ImageMapster a jQuery plugin makes HTML image maps useful
jCanvas – jQuery meets the HTML5 canvas
jQuery Desktop
Javascript CanvasLoader Creator
JavaScript Preloader for HTML5 Apps : PxLoader
JavaScript PDF Reader : pdf.js
Create a self caching website ready for offline usage with HTML5 and jQuery
Javascript Driven HTML5 Video Player: Dplayer
jQuery HTML5 Placeholder Plugin
Clipping JPEGs Freely With JavaScript : polyClip.js
Response JS : jQuery plugin for mobile-first progressive enhancement in HTML5
Bear CSS : jQuery build a solid stylesheet foundation based on your markup
turn.js – jQuery plugin Page Flip effect for HTML5
Create – On-site web editing interface with jQuery
jQuery and HTML5 Interactive Map : MigrationsMap
Leaflet : JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
filtrify : jQuery HTML5 Advanced tag filtering with Demo
SliderWall : jQuery image slider with Demo
CamanJS : Image Manipulation in Javascript with example
Webshims Lib : jQuery Polyfill loading Library with Demo
Pep.jQuery.js : jQuery kinetic-drag on mobile/desktop plugin with Demo
Fixing These jQuery : Debugging jQuery Tutorial Presentation in HTML5
Storage.js : Simple jQuery HTML5 Page Edits with Demo
RGraph: HTML5 Javascript charts library
Websanova : wPaint jQuery Plugin