jquery.paginate.js adds a simple pagination to a container and its child elements. ##How to use 1. Add jQuery and jquery.paginate.js to your page
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="src/jquery.paginate.js"></script>
2. Add jquery.paginate.css (optional)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="src/jquery.paginate.css" />
3. Initialize the plugin
<script> $(foo).paginate({ 'perPage': 5 }); </script>
##Options ###perPage (integer) Definies how many items are displayed per page. ###autoScroll (boolean) If activated pagination links will trigger an animations, that smoothly scrolls to the top of the definied container. ###scope (string/element) Definies which child elements will be targeted for the pagination (default: all). Example
$(foo).paginate({ 'scope': $('li') }); //targets all li elements in foo
###paginatePosition (array) Defines where the pagination will be placed.
top: for above the container.
bottom: for below the container.
##Methods ###switchPage(pageNumber) #####Description: Jumps to page definied by parameter 'pageNumber'.
$(foo).data('paginate').switchPage(pageNumber) $(foo).data('paginate').switchPage('next') //next page $(foo).data('paginate').switchPage('prev') //previous page
pageNumber (integer): the index of the page you want the pagination to jump. You may also use 'prev' and 'next' instead of an integer to navigate to the previous or next page.
###kill() #####Description: Remove plugin from element
##License jquery.paginate.js is licensed under the MIT license. (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)