kumaGauge is an easy jQuery plugin used to draw an animated & vector shaped semi-circular meter (Gauge) using Raphaël library.
Javascript Animated Gauges Plugin - JustGage
jQuery Plugin To Generate Animated & Customizable Gauges - Flex Gauge
jQuery Plugin To Generate Animated Dynamic Gauges - dynameter
Creating Animated Gauges Using jQuery and Raphael.js - kumaGauge
Creating A Dynamic Speedometer with jQuery and TweenLite - Speedometer
jQuery Plugin To Draw Animated Gauges using Canvas 2D API
Simple jQuery Plugin For Creating SVG Based Gauges
Minimal Gauge Plugin With jQuery And CSS3 - cmGauge
Creating An Animated Speedometer with jQuery and CSS3
Smooth Progress Gauge Plugin With jQuery And CSS3 - simpleGauge.js
Customizable & Animated jQuery / HTML5 Gauge Meter Plugin
Create A Flat Barometer With jQuery And CSS/CSS3 - Barometer.js