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bs-stepper is a lightweight stepper JavaScript plugin for Bootstrap 4 that helps you create wizard-style step-by-step progresses for forms, guides, and installations.




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A stepper plugin for Bootstrap 4.

You can use it on React and Angular too because this plugin is written with the most used JavaScript framework: VanillaJS.


If you want to see our last changes it's here: https://bs-stepper.netlify.com/


  • Linear stepper
  • Non linear stepper
  • Fade effect with .fade
  • Vertical stepper
  • Works with Bootstrap 4
  • Accessible
  • Works without dependencies (so no jQuery needed)
  • Built in UMD to be used everywhere
  • Small, only 2kb

Table of contents


With npm or yarn

// npm npm install bs-stepper --save  // yarn yarn add bs-stepper


CDN Link
jsDelivr, js minified https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bs-stepper/dist/js/bs-stepper.min.js
jsDelivr, css minified https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bs-stepper/dist/css/bs-stepper.min.css

How to use it

HTML markup

Include the CSS file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bs-stepper.min.css">

Add the following HTML:

<div class="bs-stepper">   <div class="bs-stepper-header" role="tablist">     <!-- your steps here -->     <div class="step" data-target="#logins-part">       <button type="button" class="step-trigger" role="tab" aria-controls="logins-part" id="logins-part-trigger">         <span class="bs-stepper-circle">1</span>         <span class="bs-stepper-label">Logins</span>       </button>     </div>     <div class="line"></div>     <div class="step" data-target="#information-part">       <button type="button" class="step-trigger" role="tab" aria-controls="information-part" id="information-part-trigger">         <span class="bs-stepper-circle">2</span>         <span class="bs-stepper-label">Various information</span>       </button>     </div>   </div>   <div class="bs-stepper-content">     <!-- your steps content here -->     <div id="logins-part" class="content" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="logins-part-trigger"></div>     <div id="information-part" class="content" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="information-part-trigger"></div>   </div> </div>
  • If you want to use the fade fade animation, add .fade class on your .content and set animation to true.
  • To create a vertical stepper, just add .vertical class on your stepper. All steppers will switch to vertical on small viewports.


In HTML before the end of the <body> tag

<script src="bs-stepper.min.js"></script>

Or with npm

import Stepper from 'bs-stepper'

Create a stepper

You should wait for the document ready event and create a new instance of Stepper.

Vanilla JS

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {   var stepper = new Stepper(document.querySelector('.bs-stepper')) })

With jQuery

$(document).ready(function () {   var stepper = new Stepper($('.bs-stepper')[0]) })

For more examples check out this file.

This library is UMD ready so you can use it everywhere.



Create an instance of Stepper, accept two parameters.


  • element
  • type: DOMElement

Pass your Stepper DOMElement

  • options (optional)

    • type: Object

    default value:

    {   linear: true,   animation: false,   selectors: {     steps: '.step',     trigger: '.step-trigger',     stepper: '.bs-stepper'   } }

    Allows you to customize the stepper selectors and it's behaviour.


Will navigate to the next step of your stepper. This method also emit show.bs-stepper before showing the step and shown.bs-stepper when the step is displayed.

var stepper = new Stepper(document.querySelector('.bs-stepper')) stepper.next()


Will navigate to the previous step of your stepper. This method also emit show.bs-stepper before showing the step and shown.bs-stepper when the step is displayed.


Will navigate to a step of your stepper. This method also emit show.bs-stepper before showing the step and shown.bs-stepper when the step is displayed.

var stepper = new Stepper(document.querySelector('.bs-stepper'))  /// Will navigate to the second step stepper.to(2)


Will reset you stepper to the first step (usefull for linear stepper). This method also emit show.bs-stepper before showing the step and shown.bs-stepper when the step is displayed.


Remove stored data relative to your stepper and listeners.


The methods which trigger a step change trigger two events:

  • show.bs-stepper
  • shown.bs-stepper

You can listen on those events like that:

var stepperEl = document.getElementById('stepper') var stepper = new Stepper(stepperEl)  stepperEl.addEventListener('show.bs-stepper', function (event) {   // You can call prevent to stop the rendering of your step   // event.preventDefault()    // indexStep contains the id of the step which will be displayed   console.warn(event.detail.indexStep) })  stepperEl.addEventListener('shown.bs-stepper', function (event) {   console.warn('step shown') })

If you need to prevent the display of a step, you have to call preventDefault on the show.bs-stepper listener.


bsStepper is compatible with:

  • IE10+
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Chrome Android
  • Safari iOS

You can find our BrowserStack list of browsers here.

Support me

If you want to thank me or supporting my work:


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Thanks to BrowserStack for providing the infrastructure that allows us to test in real browsers!



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