ScrollPoint, a tool used to animate elements when scrolling. Available for jQuery.
offset: integer Offset defines an offset for triggering the animation 50 would set the offset to wait 50 more pixels before triggering the animation -50 would set the offset to trigger the animation 50 pixels sooner triggeredClass: string A class or classes added to the element as soon as it is triggered animation: string Defines the animation used, pulled from the CSS classes. All animations are done via CSS. delay: integer Defines a delay in miliseconds to delay the triggering of the animation loadAfter: $(element) Defines an element that is required to load before this element beforeTrigger: function() Function that runs before triggering the animation onTrigger: function() Function that runs when the animation is triggered
$('.scrollitem').scrollpoint({ animation: 'rightFade', offset: 0, triggeredClass: '', delay:0 });
Predefined Animations
fadeUp fadeLeft fadeRight slideRight slideLeft quickSlideRight zoomIn