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selectron is a powerful jQuery select replacement plugin that converts the normal select box into an accessible, searchable dropdown list with custom styles, icons and themes.

Custom-Select Select



An accessible jQuery custom select, styled with sass for easy customization



bower install --save jquery-selectron



<select class="selectron">   <option value="">Please select something</option>   <option value="1">Option 1</option>   <option value="2">Option 2</option> </select>




You can enable search by passing the option when you initialize the plugin.

$('.selectron').selectron({   search: true });

Alternativley you can enable/disable search on inidividual instances using a data attribute:

<select class="selectron" data-selectron-search="true">   <option value="">Please select something</option>   <option value="1">Option 1</option>   <option value="2">Option 2</option> </select>


There are three default themes, light, dark and block. The light theme is applied by default, to apply the dark theme simply add the selectron--dark class to your select, and to apply the block theme simply add selectron--block.

<select class="selectron selectron--dark">   <option value="">Please select something</option>   <option value="1">Option 1</option>   <option value="2">Option 2</option> </select>
<select class="selectron selectron--block">   <option value="">Please select something</option>   <option value="1">Option 1</option>   <option value="2">Option 2</option> </select>


You can add an icon to your options by simply adding a data-icon attribute to the option.

<select class="selectron selectron--dark">   <option value="">Please select something</option>   <option value="1" data-icon="http://placehold.it/30x20">Option 1</option>   <option value="2" data-icon="http://placehold.it/30x20">Option 2</option> </select>


Any classes you add to your select or option will get copied across to selectron, this is useful for custom themes or for adding icons to options.

<select class="selectron my-class">   <option value="">Please select something</option>   <option value="1" class="my-class">Option 1</option>   <option value="2" class="my-class">Option 2</option> </select>


Selectron has been written to be easily customized using Sass variables. To overwrite the defaults simply define your variables before the inclusion of selectron.sass.

Available variables

$selectron-border-radius:           4px !default $selectron-border-width:            1px !default $selectron-color-background-dark:   #363636 !default $selectron-color-background-light:  #ffffff !default $selectron-color-brand:             #f70c36 !default  $selectron-color-font-dark:         #666666 !default $selectron-color-font-light:        #999999 !default $selectron-font-family:             sans-serif !default $selectron-font-size:               13px !default $selectron-line-height:             1.2 !default $selectron-text-align:              left !default  $selectron-max-width:               400px !default $selectron-min-width:               200px !default $selectron-height:                  50px !default $selectron-options-max-height:      200px !default  $selectron-padding:                 17px 50px 18px 18px !default $selectron-option-padding:          13px 18px 14px !default $selectron-optgroup-padding:        13px 18px 14px 28px !default  $selectron-arrow-border-width:      2px !default $selectron-arrow-border-radius:     0px !default $selectron-arrow-size:              10px !default $selectron-block-width:             50px !default  $selectron-max-icon-size:           50px !default $selectron-icon-margin:             0 10px 0px 0 !default


Selectron triggers a change event on the select;


Selectron provides an selectron.update method which when triggered on the select will re-populate the options. It also provides a selectron.change method which when triggered on the select will update the sellectron trigger to match the value of the select


Copyright (c) 2016 Simon Sturgess

Licensed under the MIT license.

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