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vintageJS is a jQuery plugin that uses the HTML5 canvas element to add a vintage look to images. It comes with three effect-presets and can be customized very easily.You can change the effect by adding options to the vintageJS call. There are three presets that you can use:default: the default preset is used when no preset is givensepia: sepia effectgreen: green color overlay vintage effectgrayscale: turns image into grayscale imagecustom: Only curves will be adjusted, all the other effects are switched off so that you can build your own vintage look

Gallery Plugins



Add a retro/vintage effect to images using the HTML5 canvas element.

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$ npm install vintagejs 

How to use

vintagejs is a function that takes a source (URL, ImageElement or CanvasElement) and an effect (object with all the options) and returns a Promise that resolves to a result object.

vintagejs('./path/to/picture.jpg', { brightness: 0.2 })   .then(res => res.genImage())   .then(img => document.body.appendChild(img));

The result object provides the following methods to access the modified image data:

// returns the data url of the updated image. Use it to update the source of an existing image getDataURL(mimeType?: string, quality?: number): string; // returns the canvas with the updated image. Use it to draw your changes onto another canvas getCanvas(): HTMLCanvasElement; // returns a promise that resolves to an HTMLImageElement of the updated image genImage(mimeType?: string, quality?: number): Promise<HTMLImageElement>;

If not provided, mimeType defaults to image/jpeg and quality defaults to 1.

More Examples

// use an image as source and update image with data url const srcEl = document.querySelector('img.myImage'); vintagejs(srcEl, { brightness: 0.2 })   .then(res => {     srcEl.src = res.getDataURL();   });  // use a canvas as source and draw result to canvas const srcEl = document.querySelector('canvas.myCanvas'); const ctx = srcEl.getContext('2d'); vintagejs(srcEl, { brightness: 0.2 })   .then(res => {     ctx.drawImage(res.getCanvas(), 0, 0, srcEl.width, srcEl.height);   });

Effect options

type TEffect = {   curves: false | TCurve,     // default: false   screen: false | TRGBAColor, // default: false   saturation: number,         // float between 0 and 1, default: 1   vignette: number,           // float between 0 and 1, default: 0   lighten: number,            // float between 0 and 1, default: 0   viewfinder: false | string, // string must be URL, default: false   sepia: boolean,             // default: false   gray: boolean,              // default: false   brightness: number,         // float between -1 and 1, default: 0   contrast: number,           // float between -1 and 1, default: 0 };  // every channel, r=red, g=green, b=blue serves as a look up table for color mappings type TCurve = {   r: Array<Uint8> | Uint8ClampedArray, // array of int between 0 and 255, length of array === 256   g: Array<Uint8> | Uint8ClampedArray, // array of int between 0 and 255, length of array === 256   b: Array<Uint8> | Uint8ClampedArray, // array of int between 0 and 255, length of array === 256 };  type TRGBAColor = {   r: Uint8,  // int between 0 and 255   g: Uint8,  // int between 0 and 255   b: Uint8,  // int between 0 and 255   a: number, // float between 0 and 1 };


const noEffect = {};  const effect_1 = {   brightness: -0.2,   contrast: 0.15, };  const effect_2 = {   brightness: 0.1,   vignette: 0.3,   viewfinder: './film-1.jpg',   screen: {     r: 227,     g: 12,     b: 169,     a: 0.15,   }, };

See examples folder for more examples.

Browser support

Check support for the canvas element canisue.com/canvas.

Higher performance when canvas blend modes are supported caniuse.com/#feat=canvas-blending, but fallbacks are implemented.





  • Added true grayscale effect (Thanks @bjornbos for PR #38)


  • Add support for strings (URI or base64 encoded data-uri) as a source


  • Rewrite from ground up
  • Functional API


  • Added "main" field to package.json


  • Added universal module definition (umd) wrapper


  • Added minified versions
  • Fixed same-origin error


  • added AngularJS support thanks to @dpiccone
  • grunt based build script for all versions


  • performance improvements
  • new effect options:
    • brightness
    • contrast


  • Improved core performance


  • Initial release

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