Beginner script, do not use in production environment, just take a look for your curiosity :)
This plugin will allowed you to create a gallery.
- Use data-gallery for each gallery you want.
- Each time you name your data-gallery differently you will get a new gallery.
- Do not use the same src picture twice (this is kinda buggy).
- You can set a speed for animations (by default: 300).
- You can use the css file by default or create your own an rename the classes.
- It is under MIT licence.
This will call the plugin: $(document).jquerygallery();
demo here Others options:
View a'coverImgOverlay' : true,
If you want thumbnails under your picture'thumbnail' : "coverImgOverlay",
This is the name of the class that contain thumbnails'thumbnailHeight' : 120,
Set an height value to center the picture vertically'imgActive' : "imgActive",
This is the name of the main classe that contain the pictures of each galleries'overlay' : "overlay",
This plugin will create a class called "overlay", you can change de name- You can change the actions pictures, i used fontAwesome.
'imgNext' : "<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>",
Change the duration of the smoothscroll'imgPrev' : "<i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i>",
Change the duration of the smoothscroll'imgClose' : "<i class="fa fa-times"></i>",
Change the duration of the smoothscroll
'speed' : 300
Finally, you can set the speed of animations.
Look at the really sobre demo page, maybe that will help you to install this plugin.