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A lightweight JavaScript library to manipulate the page url.


Browse the demos on http://jillix.github.io/url.js/


The library is available on CDNJS as well. To use it, just do:

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/urljs/1.2.0/url.min.js"></script>


<script src="path/to/url.js"></script> <!-- or use the cdn <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/urljs/1.2.0/url.min.js"></script> --> <script>     Url.updateSearchParam("answer", 42); </script>


The library is CommonJS-compatible. You can require("url.js") in your files.

☁️ Installation

Check out the src directory to download the needed files and include them on your page.

If you're using this module in a CommonJS environment, you can install it from npm and require it:

$ npm i --save urljs

📝 Documentation

queryString(name, notDecoded)

Finds the value of parameter passed in first argument.


  • String name: The parameter name.
  • Boolean notDecoded: If true, the result will be encoded.


  • String|Boolean|Undefined The parameter value (as string), true if the parameter is there, but doesn't have a value, or undefined if it is missing.


Parses a string as querystring. Like the queryString method does, if the parameter is there, but it doesn't have a value, the value will be true.


  • String search: An optional string that should be parsed (default: window.location.search).


  • Object The parsed querystring. Note this will contain empty strings for


Stringifies a query object.


  • Object queryObj: The object that should be stringified.


  • String The stringified value of queryObj object.

updateSearchParam(param, value, push, triggerPopState)

Adds, updates or deletes a parameter (without page refresh).


  • String|Object param: The parameter name or name-value pairs as object.
  • String value: The parameter value. If undefined, the parameter will be removed.
  • Boolean push: If true, the page will be kept in the history, otherwise the location will be changed but by pressing the back button will not bring you to the old location.
  • Boolean triggerPopState: Triggers the popstate handlers (by default falsly).


  • Url The Url object.


Returns the page url, but not including the domain name.


  • String The page url (without domain).

hash(newHash, triggerPopState)

Sets/gets the hash value.


  • String newHash: The hash to set.
  • Boolean triggerPopState: Triggers the popstate handlers (by default falsly).


  • String The location hash.

_updateAll(s, push, triggerPopState)

Update the full url (pathname, search, hash).


  • String s: The new url to set.
  • Boolean push: If true, the page will be kept in the history, otherwise the location will be changed but by pressing the back button will not bring you to the old location.
  • Boolean triggerPopState: Triggers the popstate handlers (by default falsly).


  • String The set url.

getLocation(pathname, push, triggerPopState)

pathname Sets/gets the pathname.


  • String pathname: The pathname to set.
  • Boolean push: If true, the page will be kept in the history, otherwise the location will be changed but by pressing the back button will not bring you to the old location.
  • Boolean triggerPopState: Triggers the popstate handlers (by default falsly).


  • String The set url.


Calls the popstate handlers.


Adds a popstate handler.


  • Function cb: The callback function.

removeHash(push, trigger)

Removes the hash from the url.


  • Boolean push: If true, the page will be kept in the history, otherwise the location will be changed but by pressing the back button will not bring you to the old location.
  • Boolean trigger: Triggers the popstate handlers (by default falsly).

removeQuery(push, trigger)

Removes the querystring parameters from the url.


  • Boolean push: If true, the page will be kept in the history, otherwise the location will be changed but by pressing the back button will not bring you to the old location.
  • Boolean trigger: Triggers the popstate handlers (by default falsly).

😋 How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

📜 License

MIT © jillix

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